Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History Rating shredded-gaming back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe created to rating comment match 04.07.15 jodt Detail 03.07.15 JACKI_1337 Detail 03.07.15 Chlopakowie Detail 03.07.15 SUPERFÄÄÄT Detail 03.07.15 GETBOULIA7D Detail 03.07.15 fw.2on2 Detail 01.07.15 inetonly.aml Detail 01.07.15 That old Boom Bap Detail 29.06.15 Retired Stormtroopers Detail 29.06.15 inetonly.aml Detail 29.06.15 Koksownicy Detail 29.06.15 ne du? Detail 29.06.15 Dice-Gaming Detail 29.06.15 inetonly.aml Detail 28.06.15 inetonly.aml Detail 28.06.15 pink & purple Detail 28.06.15 Coco Digital LoL Detail 28.06.15 SIKOR JE PASTE DO BUTOW Detail 28.06.15 ne du? Detail 28.06.15 STARFALLAH Detail 28.06.15 MOJAWI Detail 28.06.15 F31N5735 1N37_r3 Detail 28.06.15 hsm4s73rs Detail 28.06.15 hearts fear Detail 27.06.15 gayconnection Detail 27.06.15 SIKOR JE PASTE DO BUTOW Detail 27.06.15 team-pig Detail 25.06.15 kacken aa pipi Detail 25.06.15 MAKE IT POSSIBLE Detail 25.06.15 yiyou Detail 25.06.15 AcePajace2 Detail 25.06.15 Überlflieger Detail 25.06.15 IMPRESSIVE Detail 25.06.15 AMLegenden Detail 25.06.15 SPONTAN Detail 25.06.15 HardFrags Detail 25.06.15 withouthack. Detail 25.06.15 AcePajace2 Detail 25.06.15 AVision eSports Detail 24.06.15 besser aimen Detail 24.06.15 Patkanyok Detail 24.06.15 IMPRESSIVE Detail 24.06.15 HeadShotMachine Detail