Rating Tactical Executives

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SC2 Open Ladder Clanwar All-Kill Europe
created to rating comment match
18.11.14 Positive Human Band Detail
17.11.14 Druckwelle Esports Detail
15.09.14 Druckwelle Esports Detail
11.09.14 isIMBA Detail
06.08.14 NGPr0 Detail
22.07.14 noMERCY SC2 Detail
07.07.14 Enclave Team Detail
27.05.14 Monolith Team Detail
20.05.14 FunnyFreshG1M Detail
11.05.14 xGame - Starcraft 2 Detail
16.04.14 Team Spectre Detail
18.03.14 World is War Gaming Detail
04.03.14 FunnyFreshG1M Nice guys :) Detail
25.02.14 Druckwelle Esports Detail
22.02.14 Northern Maniacs Detail
18.02.14 Prototype Detail
09.02.14 Aiur TIGERS - Starcraft2 Detail
25.01.14 Starcraft Freaks Clan Detail
23.12.13 Northern Maniacs Detail
14.12.13 Skill Forge Gaming last game, they shared accounts. Their best player played twice Detail
06.12.13 ELITGAMERS Multigaming Detail
12.11.13 Druckwelle Esports Detail
19.10.13 INRI.SC2 Detail
02.10.13 Starcraft Freaks Clan Detail
03.09.13 Esos Gaming Detail
31.07.13 Team inFluence SC2 Detail

StarCraft II Clanwar Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.03.14 World is War Gaming Detail
03.12.13 revolutiongamingsc2 B-Squad Detail
31.10.13 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
01.10.13 KoT-Energy Detail
26.09.13 Klan Dark Venom.SC2LOTV Detail
21.08.13 ClanPoland.SC2 Detail
05.08.13 Click-Storm Detail
25.07.13 dA-Gaming SC2 Detail
03.07.13 revolutiongamingsc2 Detail
27.06.13 Team Optimal Improvement Detail
21.06.13 teamKR.de Detail
15.06.13 Optimum eSports Detail
29.05.13 Micronae Supremacy B Team Detail