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Dota 2 ESL One Frankfurt Open Qualifier Europe
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02.04.16 PERFECT PANDARIA Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #42
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17.01.16 Team Kartel Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #41
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10.01.16 PvM.Gaming Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #37
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13.12.15 Lunatic Asylum Gaming Detail
13.12.15 PatchesCraftMeta. Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #36
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06.12.15 RoflanPomoika Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #33
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15.11.15 EternaLEnVys Disciples Detail
15.11.15 FluffyUnicorns Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #29
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18.10.15 Xq Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #28
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11.10.15 TeamThe123 Detail
11.10.15 Why So Serious !? Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #23
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06.09.15 Yellow Submarine! Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #22
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30.08.15 wonderyearz Detail

ESL One New York 2015 Europe Qualifier
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22.08.15 newteam123123 Detail
22.08.15 LiONS Detail
22.08.15 NoTechiesPls Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #18
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02.08.15 Boys Detail
02.08.15 Signaturo4ka Detail
02.08.15 eSTRO_ Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #12
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21.06.15 Crew E-Sports Club Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #11
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14.06.15 SwC Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #9
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31.05.15 FluffyUnicorns Detail
31.05.15 LowLandLions Dota 2 Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #6
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10.05.15 POWERHOUZZE Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #5
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03.05.15 Humble Gods Detail
03.05.15 TerroristWin Detail
03.05.15 Zero Help Detail

paysafecard Go4Dota 2 Europe Cup #3
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19.04.15 asdf xd zaa Detail

Go4Dota 2 United Kingdom Cup #17
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05.04.15 Sau Chin Detail
25.01.15 Acute Detail

Go4Dota 2 United Kingdom Cup #16
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18.01.15 Backstreet Faggots Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota2 Cup #14
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04.01.15 EpicSpace eSports Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota 2 Cup #9
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02.11.14 Team XENEX Detail
02.11.14 Jesus+4 Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota2 Cup #8
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26.10.14 Team Groy Detail
26.10.14 Glorious British Dota Detail
26.10.14 Ba sing se Badgermoles Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota2 Cup #7
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20.10.14 Team XENEX Detail
19.10.14 Dwayne The John Rockson Detail
19.10.14 Team Infused Detail
19.10.14 Viva La Bizon Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota2 Cup #5
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06.10.14 Team Infused Detail
05.10.14 Jesus+4 Detail
05.10.14 art1 Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota2 Cup #2
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14.09.14 The Squirt Inspectors Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Go4Dota2 Cup #1
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07.09.14 Backdoored your Mum Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge Cup #8
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25.06.14 Unleashed eSports Detail
25.06.14 Manong Adoy Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge Cup #7
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18.06.14 Big Plays Productions Detail
18.06.14 Team Blue Motion Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge Cup #6
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11.06.14 Manong Adoy Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge Cup #5
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05.06.14 Dwayne The John Rockson Detail
04.06.14 SiG UK Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge Cup #2
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15.05.14 Team Infused Detail
14.05.14 Team XENEX Detail
14.05.14 Fish an Chipz Detail
14.05.14 Beyond Defeat Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge Cup #1
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07.05.14 Team XENEX Detail
07.05.14 Fish an Chipz Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Dota 2 Challenge - Hosted At epic.LAN
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15.02.14 DBAD Detail
15.02.14 So LeJit Detail

Dota 2 5on5 A-Series
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23.01.14 Reason Gaming Detail
19.01.14 Personal Space Invaders Detail
16.01.14 Risin-eSports.DOTA2 Detail
15.01.14 iQuit-Gaming DotA 2 Detail

Dota 2 5on5 Ladder
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21.01.14 Chillax Detail
20.01.14 Unleashed eSports Detail

Dota 2 epic.LAN - Online Qualifier #1 Group Stages - 14/12/13
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14.12.13 CallumYoloSwag Detail
14.12.13 Team Infused Detail
14.12.13 Khaotik Gg wp Detail