Rating Villains United

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CoD:AW Open Ladder 6on6 Search and Destroy Germany
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12.10.15 ConZz3pTz SpecZ Detail
03.10.15 Best corp. of gaming Detail
20.09.15 PSO-Gaming Detail
14.09.15 Team Nukedout Detail
31.08.15 Fraternitas Germania Detail
02.08.15 Street F!ghters eSports Detail

Go4CoD:AW (PS4) Europe Cup #29 by Scuf Gaming
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30.08.15 AEP Youth eSports Detail

Go4CoD:AW (PS4) Europe Cup #28 by Scuf Gaming
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23.08.15 Pathetic Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) 6on6 SND Season 2 Final Germany
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29.07.15 TEAM-UnDeRRaTiX Detail

CoD:Ghosts (PS4) 4on4 SND Weekly Cup #24 Germany
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23.07.15 Thermal is love Detail
22.07.15 Rise of the Avengers - Ghosts Detail
22.07.15 - Jagdkommando - Detail

CoD:AW Open Ladder 4on4 Competitive Europe
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22.07.15 Wolfpack Detail
14.06.15 AcRoZ Gaming Detail
09.05.15 RavG Violence Detail
03.05.15 Comandos clan Detail
28.04.15 Team Apex EU Detail
25.04.15 Buna Detail
11.04.15 ToXic GaMinG Detail
23.03.15 KSK 4v4 Detail
12.03.15 ScaRe Nation GG Detail
10.03.15 CrypticGaming_Alpha gg Detail
07.03.15 ScaRe Nation Detail

CoD:AW Open Ladder 6on6 Search and Destroy Germany
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19.07.15 TEAM-UnDeRRaTiX Detail
17.07.15 TEAM eRaiiZe Detail
30.06.15 Fraternitas Germania Detail
29.06.15 Emperiial eSports Detail
27.06.15 TeaM eQuality Detail
22.06.15 StuNNinG ReactionZ Detail
14.06.15 TEAM-UnDeRRaTiX Detail
04.06.15 Terra X Detail
29.05.15 HiGH ReactionZ Detail
21.05.15 CrystalliX.gaminG Detail
18.05.15 ConZz3pTz eSports Detail
17.05.15 Emperiial eSports Detail
16.05.15 eXtrem Equalizer Detail
11.05.15 VeluX Gaming Detail
11.05.15 Fraternitas Germania Detail
11.05.15 Team Zeerocz Detail
10.05.15 CrystalliX.gaminG Detail
08.05.15 GoS Squad Alpha Detail
02.05.15 xFanaticGamer Detail
01.05.15 Team AwaRe Detail
27.04.15 Team Slow Detail

CoD:Ghosts (PS4) 4on4 SND Weekly Cup #23 Germany
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15.07.15 sotrue Detail
15.07.15 KoD eSport Detail

CoD:Ghosts (PS4) 4on4 SND Weekly Cup #22 Germany
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08.07.15 ESL HunterzZ Detail
08.07.15 sotrue Detail
08.07.15 eVz eSports Detail
08.07.15 Ghosts-Cup Mix Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) Plantronics Cup Series 5on5 Cup Finals Germany
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01.07.15 Terra X Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) Plantronics Cup Series 5on5 Cup #4 Germany
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24.06.15 uX Violet Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) Plantronics Cup Series 5on5 Cup #3 Germany
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17.06.15 Terra X Detail
17.06.15 ZerO AimeZ Detail
17.06.15 Die-SPINNER Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) Plantronics Cup Series 5on5 Cup #2 Germany
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10.06.15 HiGH ReactionZ Detail
10.06.15 Emperiial eSports Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) Plantronics Cup Series 5on5 Cup #1 Germany
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03.06.15 Team Virtuellz Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) 4on4 SnD Weekly Cup Germany #15
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15.04.15 Terra X Detail
15.04.15 SOKO eSports Detail
15.04.15 Babylon Gaming Gegner ist nach der ersten Map gequittet Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) 6on6 SnD Season 1 Finale
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14.04.15 AEP-Team eSports Detail

CoD:AW Open Ladder 6on6 Search and Destroy #1 Germany
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19.03.15 DWH_UnLimiTeD gg Detail
08.03.15 Team Virtuellz Detail
05.03.15 Team BlackRage Sehr nette Leute GG :) Detail
28.02.15 KWB8 Brueder8 Detail
28.02.15 BlackMamba Detail
19.02.15 ViRuS-eSport Schießen auf Leichen Detail
13.02.15 TeamWirdGelöscht71839 Detail
08.02.15 Genius Gaming Detail
08.02.15 eXitioS NoVa Detail
31.01.15 Alliance of Gods GG Detail
28.01.15 TEAM-UnDeRRaTiX GG Detail
24.01.15 Royal.TS Detail
18.01.15 Terra X Detail
11.01.15 HiGH ReactionZ Detail
04.01.15 Die-SPINNER-Core Detail
29.12.14 Amok Host Drop und Beendung vor spiel Ende Detail
29.12.14 BlackMamba Detail
28.12.14 GerManRulzZx Detail
23.11.14 TeaM AnonymouZ GG! :) Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) 6on6 SnD Cup Europe
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23.01.15 Team Zeerocz Detail
23.01.15 eXG eXclusive Gaming Detail
23.01.15 AmaZinGRusHeRs Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) 6on6 SnD HardCore Cup Europe
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17.01.15 baNg-Unleashed Detail
17.01.15 Rest in Peace Detail
16.01.15 Die-SPINNER Detail
16.01.15 Die Bruderschaft Detail

CoD:AW (PS4) 4on4 SND Weekly Cup #2 Germany
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14.01.15 AmaZinGRusHeRs Detail
14.01.15 BlackMamba 4v4 Detail
14.01.15 HUF Detail