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BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
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24.08.15 EYES ON U Detail
23.08.15 EYES ON U Detail
30.07.15 XL Energy Gaming BF Detail
27.07.15 Gamblers Gaming Detail
26.07.15 PENTA Sports Detail
23.07.15 Key-Preisvergleich.de Detail
20.07.15 Gamblers Gaming Detail
19.07.15 Last Men Standing | BF4 (Aca) Detail
19.07.15 PENTA Sports Detail
15.07.15 Last Men Standing | BF4 (Aca) Detail
13.07.15 Key-Preisvergleich.de Detail
12.07.15 BF4 ONYX FR Detail
08.07.15 Last Men Standing | BF4 (Aca) Detail
05.07.15 Last Men Standing | BF4 (Aca) Detail
25.06.15 PENTA Sports Detail
18.06.15 PSF Detail
15.06.15 Nameless Detail
14.06.15 EYES ON U Detail
11.06.15 MnG Team NovuX Detail
25.05.15 PENTA Sports Detail
24.05.15 MnG Team NovuX Detail
17.05.15 Key-Preisvergleich.de Detail
03.05.15 OM3GA-eSports Detail
26.04.15 Key-Preisvergleich.de Detail
23.04.15 EYES ON U Detail
16.02.15 MnG Team NovuX Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #82
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23.08.15 PENTA Sports Detail
23.08.15 OM3GA-eSports Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #81
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16.08.15 Team Symthic NA 5s Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #78
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26.07.15 REUNITED.gg Detail
26.07.15 Gamblers Gaming Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #77
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19.07.15 Baguette All StarS Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #76
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12.07.15 nKnown e.V. Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #75
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05.07.15 Gamblers Gaming Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #71
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07.06.15 REUNITED.gg Detail
07.06.15 Nameless Detail

ESL One BF4 Summer 2015 Qualification Cup CIS
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31.05.15 Union Detail

Go4BF4 Europe Cup #69
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24.05.15 eLevate Detail

BF4 5on5 Squad Obliteration TestCup #1 Europe
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09.03.15 Squad oblit feedback group Detail
09.03.15 unnamedBF Detail