Rating Team Dignitas

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ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Groupstage
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26.10.08 SK Gaming gg gl in play off Detail
20.10.08 European Football Stars gg Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Qualifying Round 2
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10.10.08 Earthquake.EMS gg Detail

ESL Major Series Season III FIFA 08 Qualifying Round 1
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22.09.08 uPro gg Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar Ladder
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29.08.08 Never.Back.DOWN Detail
29.08.08 European Football Stars gg\'s Detail
26.08.08 HardStyle KOS Detail
25.08.08 European Football Stars gg Detail
11.07.08 Earthquake.Cups gg Detail
08.07.08 Antwerp Aces Detail
06.07.08 Never.Back.DOWN gg Detail
03.07.08 iGn eSports.Fifa gg Detail
30.06.08 Intense gaming Detail
27.06.08 eFIFA.pl TEAM very bad connection and flamers Detail
24.06.08 Earthquake.Cups gg Detail
21.06.08 Just for fun Detail
20.06.08 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
19.06.08 Waiting for Delete gg Detail
19.06.08 PinCho gg Detail
18.06.08 High-Pcw.FIFA gg Detail
18.06.08 iGn eSports.Fifa gg Detail
18.06.08 Wolves gg Detail
17.06.08 Cosmos TV Detail
11.06.08 K1ck eSports Club Detail
11.06.08 RedLine.Fifa gg Detail
10.06.08 Wizards of the Ball gg Detail

FIFA 08 ESL Major Series Season III Quali Playoffs
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13.07.08 Antwerp Aces Detail
09.07.08 RedDevil's gg Detail

FIFA 08 ESL Major Series Season III European Qualifier
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02.07.08 ex Gamax Clan FIFA 08 gg Detail
21.06.08 engages - FIFA Detail

ESL Major Series Season II FIFA 08 Relegation
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15.05.08 SK Gaming gg Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar EMS 2 Qualifier Double Elimination
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22.03.08 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail
02.03.08 Fifa Soccer United Detail

FIFA 08 Clanwar ESL Major Series Qualifier
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24.02.08 LowLandLions.fifa gg Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar Knock-out Series III
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14.08.07 Neons E-Sports gg Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar IPS Qualification 3
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18.07.07 Hall of fame FIFA (Trigun) gg Detail

FIFA 07 Premiership Season II IPS Groupstage 2
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04.04.07 YQ gg :)) Detail
01.04.07 Antwerp Aces gg very nice and fair players Detail
25.03.07 antiKon-squad gg very nice and fair players Detail

FIFA 07 Premiership Season II IPS Groupstage
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07.03.07 Teamedit.. gg but dont forget that lGermany,Switzerland & Austria arent the middlepoints of the Internet! ;) Detail
28.02.07 BEZROBOTNY11 gg very nice and fair players Detail
27.02.07 myRevenge e.V. gg Detail

FIFA 07 Clanwar IPS Qualification
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23.01.07 LinX gg Detail
21.01.07 Never Forget GIGAZONE Detail
27.12.06 DMT gg Detail

FIFA 2005 FIFA CL Season I Playoffs
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09.10.05 mTw Soccer gg :) Detail
28.09.05 1410 - Fifa good games and good guys! Detail

FIFA 2005 FIFA CL Season 1 Groupstage
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22.09.05 MeetYourMakers GG :) Detail
14.09.05 eXtrude gg guys Detail
07.09.05 defs FIFA Inactive ... Detail
17.08.05 eXtrude gg guys Detail
11.08.05 MeetYourMakers very nice opponents! Detail

FIFA 2005 Clanwar Ladder
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18.09.05 Compulsive gamers gg Detail
17.09.05 blank.FIFA - TRAINACC - gg :) Detail
17.08.05 FLC.serious.gaming Inter nice and fair guys!!! Detail
16.08.05 solstice.Fifa nice guys Detail
08.08.05 Action.Brothers nice and fair opponents Detail
07.07.05 Football Fighters gg Detail
03.07.05 Polish Eagles very nice and fair team Detail
14.06.05 Czech.Elite.Team gg Detail
05.06.05 MultiGaming Detail
05.06.05 MeetYourMakers very nice and fair team! Detail
05.06.05 iNfiNitY-SkillS.FiFa gg Detail
05.06.05 eXtrude very nice and fair guys Detail
29.05.05 rSports.Fifa Thx for the war. Fair players, but they live far away ^^ Detail
24.05.05 Wayne FIFA ESL very nice and fair Detail
22.05.05 iNfiNitY-SkillS.FiFa gg very nice and fair opponents Detail
15.05.05 GtB GL in the future Detail
15.05.05 Fifa Unrivalled Clan Poland GG! Detail
17.04.05 KaC Mult gg Detail
10.04.05 Undisputed Clan Poland.PS3 They called our players faker because of nothing and insults us very hart! Dont play against such nXXbs!!! Detail
03.04.05 LeiSuRe it was very closed Detail
03.04.05 HOSTILITY - FIFA2005 ESL.eu very fair and nice :) Detail
31.03.05 Ex-Evilz and Friends gg Detail
27.03.05 Polish Eagles GG Strong team Detail
26.03.05 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus Detail
06.03.05 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
06.03.05 redCode e-sports gg thx 4 war :) Detail
20.02.05 Vadrigar e-Sports Detail
20.02.05 Mistrzowie Swiata GG Detail
17.02.05 Polish Eagles gg Detail
10.02.05 Undisputed Net-Zone Team very nice and fair opponents! Detail
07.02.05 Polish eXtreme Gamblers kiddies Detail
06.02.05 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus gg Detail
05.02.05 Polish Online Losers gg... Detail
30.01.05 xtreme eLiTe Team gg but next time pls dont try to fake thx ... Detail
29.01.05 Fifa Net Zone gg Detail
26.01.05 MeetYour.Makers GG! Good luck in future wars :) Detail
23.01.05 Undisputed Net-Zone Team gg Detail
23.01.05 Garten-GaminG gg Detail
21.01.05 Senatus PopulusQue Romanus nice guys and very fair Detail
19.01.05 PSS Fifa Clan gg fair and very nice players! Detail
16.01.05 Dream Team PT not very nice war because of connection problems and insults from DT players... Detail
12.01.05 HwE-FIFA 05-Ladder-Team-inaktiv gg Detail
11.01.05 Polish Eagles very fair nice and a good connection! Detail
11.01.05 new age Gamers Detail
09.01.05 PLaToPLuS - FiFa team gg Detail
06.01.05 DMS.Fifa2005 sehr nett und fair Detail
02.01.05 Fifa Cyber Klan nice Players Detail

Summer Cup FIFA 2005 Clanwar Playoff
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23.08.05 arTeria Online FIFA Team gg Detail

Summer Cup FIFA 2005 Clanwar Groupstage
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26.07.05 Daj Boze Rozum RFSS GG Detail
20.07.05 In Memoriam of QPool.FIFA gg Detail

FIFA 2005 Clanwar 5on5 Spring Cup
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01.05.05 ping of death - Team 3DGL nice guys! gl in future :) Detail
17.04.05 Eala Freya Fresena ist KULT Fifa nice and fair war! Detail
16.04.05 o.Gaming Entertainment GbR very fine and fair war! Detail
09.04.05 daviGaming Detail
09.04.05 starComa.Tagan FIFA It was a very exciting war! Detail
31.03.05 cRazY4ever Ladder gg Detail

FIFA 2005 Clanwar Ladder
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25.11.04 daviGaming Beim Spiele von Mik wird das Spiele abgebrochen nachdem er eine Rote karte erhalten hat. Shizty flamt rum wegen der con und quittet. Es hätte besser laufen können! Außer dieen Vorfällen gg Detail