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Go4R6 (One) North America June 2016 Finals
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03.07.16 Team Allegiance Detail
02.07.16 Anxiety Detail
02.07.16 E.C.G Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #21
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27.06.16 Team Allegiance Detail
27.06.16 The Gatekeepers Detail
27.06.16 Aztek Gaming Detail
27.06.16 Team Nova eSports Detail
26.06.16 Shothas Detail
26.06.16 Silent Assassins Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #20
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20.06.16 Anxiety Detail
20.06.16 FLAWLESS Detail
19.06.16 Coveryoursix Detail
19.06.16 Syndicate Killers eSports Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #19
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13.06.16 Automatic Waffles Detail
13.06.16 MYTH ESL cup Detail
13.06.16 DNA Detail
12.06.16 Eastern Empire Detail
12.06.16 ZONA BOYS Detail
12.06.16 Illuminatee Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #18
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05.06.16 Tomatito Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #8
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27.03.16 ROYGBIV Detail
27.03.16 Global Force Gaming Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America February 2016 Finals
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12.03.16 Noble eSports - Go4 Detail
12.03.16 Onslaught eSports Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #5
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07.03.16 1 Percenters Detail
07.03.16 Everest Gaming Detail
06.03.16 Team Work Defined US Detail
06.03.16 Butt Pirates Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #4
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28.02.16 Team Allegiance Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #3
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22.02.16 Nemesis v1 Detail
22.02.16 1 Percenters Detail
22.02.16 uNRivaled eSports Detail
22.02.16 Zero Pro Points Detail
22.02.16 Everest Gaming Detail
22.02.16 Flint Water Sqaud Detail
21.02.16 Dirty Matt & The Boyz Detail
21.02.16 arabian peanut butter Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #2
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15.02.16 Nemesis v1 Detail
15.02.16 Noble eSports - Go4 Detail
15.02.16 uNRivaled eSports Detail
15.02.16 XTiNCTiON Detail
15.02.16 GYGGU Detail
14.02.16 Punchbowl Detail
14.02.16 Tha Suits Detail

Go4R6 (One) North America Cup #1
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08.02.16 uNRivaled eSports Detail
08.02.16 Team Harmony Detail
07.02.16 Aporia Esports Detail
07.02.16 3000 Detail
07.02.16 Tampa boys Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Community Cup 2016 NA #3
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01.02.16 Sway Gaming Detail
01.02.16 INSTINCT GG Detail
01.02.16 Noble eSports - Go4 Detail
01.02.16 ayy team Detail
01.02.16 RecKLesS E-Sports Detail
31.01.16 Pure Power Gaming Detail

R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Community Cup 2016 NA #1
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22.01.16 uNRivaled eSports Detail