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History Forze Speciali Italiane
created action
01.02.06 15:44h  register_team  Deleted (1545419)
01.02.06 18:05h  new_member  Deleted (1630375)
03.02.06 15:14h  wanna_join_league  International Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
03.02.06 16:07h  join_league  International Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
05.05.06 01:28h  kicked_from_league  International Call of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
02.07.06 23:40h  leave_member  Deleted (1630375)
09.04.08 01:30h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (1545419)