created action
29.04.21 15:03h  register_team  Soumo (16235201)
29.04.21 15:42h  new_member  Rishu (15697545)
29.04.21 16:37h  new_member  Arpan 1 (15694143)
29.04.21 17:10h  new_member  samar (16567353)
29.04.21 17:18h  new_member  Ashish (16199421)
29.04.21 17:34h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 Challenger Community cup #1 India
03.07.21 10:28h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 India
04.07.21 15:49h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 India
04.07.21 15:49h  leave_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 India
07.07.21 07:56h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 India
19.07.21 06:12h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
20.08.21 11:02h  kick_member  Rishu / by Soumo (16235201)
20.08.21 11:02h  kick_member  Arpan 1 / by Soumo (16235201)
20.08.21 11:02h  kick_member  Ashish / by Soumo (16235201)
20.08.21 11:02h  kick_member  samar / by Soumo (16235201)
29.10.21 06:39h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"