History Constellation Clash TH14
created action
06.05.21 12:55h  register_team  Cyrille (16001162)
06.05.21 13:11h  new_member  YohSama (16849756)
06.05.21 15:08h  new_member  Nanoo (16308756)
13.05.21 00:10h  new_member  Tonton (16746053)
13.05.21 00:36h  new_member  Nostradamus29 (16867530)
13.05.21 00:47h  new_member  Anas -Neyka (13031667)
13.05.21 12:48h  new_member  Chronos (16325301)
13.05.21 17:28h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #2 France
14.05.21 13:43h  new_member  say what (16870510)
17.05.21 22:20h  new_member  shom (14273379)
20.05.21 18:48h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #3 France
25.05.21 13:02h  new_member  Terror (16899379)
27.05.21 17:11h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #4 France
28.05.21 06:12h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
02.06.21 19:33h  set_parent  Constellation Clash & Yoda
03.06.21 18:11h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #5 France
03.06.21 21:25h  new_member  Loulou (16774319)
10.06.21 14:43h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #6 France
22.06.21 20:54h  new_member  Pexhanx (16986368)
24.06.21 19:40h  new_member  Ongaf (16915113)
24.06.21 20:04h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #8 France
27.06.21 11:13h  new_member  Tamagoshette (16291751)
01.07.21 13:15h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Spring Series Finals France
26.09.21 19:27h  change_name  Constellation TH14
26.09.21 19:28h  change_name  Constellation Clash TH14
05.11.21 05:38h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
26.11.21 16:23h  new_member  Pandora (17402815)
29.11.21 22:54h  new_member  Chouchou (17413082)
02.12.21 08:44h  new_member  Antonin34 (16324403)
02.12.21 12:39h  leave_member  YohSama (16849756)
09.12.21 08:38h  new_member  Scalpa (17429602)
09.12.21 19:47h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #10 France
14.12.21 20:11h  new_member  Thorfinn (17447978)
16.12.21 12:50h  new_member  sohier (16729292)
16.12.21 19:43h  new_member  Praline (16761245)
16.12.21 19:48h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #11 France
20.12.21 17:56h  leave_member  Tonton (16746053)
23.12.21 19:19h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #12 France
24.12.21 12:19h  new_member  Schu (17467377)
30.12.21 20:29h  new_member  Aqua (17480400)
13.01.22 19:43h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #15 France
26.01.22 17:58h  new_member  Nekross (17679257)
27.01.22 18:00h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #17 France
02.02.22 13:22h  new_member  Paulsel (16294152)
03.02.22 19:14h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #18 France
10.02.22 20:12h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #19 France
03.03.22 19:48h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #22 France
10.03.22 19:48h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #23 France
17.03.22 20:21h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #24 France
24.03.22 19:39h  join_league  ESL Play Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #25 France
07.05.22 06:31h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
01.11.22 12:25h  leave_member  Nanoo (16308756)