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History Ti. Tester
created action
15.05.09 04:05h  register_team  Deleted (1918261)
15.05.09 04:07h  new_member  Deleted (891907)
15.05.09 04:15h  wanna_join_league  Europe Day of Defeat 2on2 Nightcup #2
17.05.09 09:33h  change_name  Ti. Tester
17.05.09 09:37h  wanna_join_league  Europe Day of Defeat 2on2 Nightcup #2
17.05.09 10:01h  join_league  Europe Day of Defeat 2on2 Nightcup #2
16.05.10 07:04h  received_award  Recived award "esl_membersince_1year"
25.07.15 00:26h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (891907)
11.03.16 00:28h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (1918261)