History Bleiz
created action
23.10.11 19:49h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
23.10.11 19:49h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
25.03.12 07:08h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
08.05.12 19:34h  change_name  blemba baiges rukalai
08.05.12 19:46h  new_member  aKeLa (6232378)
08.05.12 19:55h  new_member  Deleted (6233274)
12.05.12 22:35h  new_member  Deleted (5787124)
15.05.12 22:47h  new_member  Deleted (6525534)
18.05.12 17:52h  new_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
18.05.12 17:52h  new_member  Deleted (5766957)
24.05.12 20:00h  new_member  Deleted (6847795)
18.06.12 18:00h  new_member  Deleted (6295657)
19.06.12 13:15h  new_member  Deleted (6564918)
19.06.12 13:18h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
19.06.12 13:18h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
19.06.12 13:19h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
19.06.12 13:19h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
19.06.12 13:20h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
19.06.12 13:20h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
23.06.12 17:46h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #95 (Sun 24.06.12)
30.06.12 18:18h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
14.07.12 19:35h  change_name  jEx Gaming
21.07.12 17:27h  new_member  Deleted (6026035)
22.07.12 00:12h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #99 (Sun 22.07.12)
03.08.12 23:35h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #101 (Sun 05.08.12)
16.08.12 22:26h  change_name  Seni, tu toooks fainas
24.09.12 07:07h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
22.10.12 15:42h  leave_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
06.11.12 13:52h  change_name  blemba baiges rukalai
11.11.12 13:30h  leave_member  Deleted (6026035)
25.11.12 10:16h  new_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
25.11.12 10:18h  new_member  Deleted (6378116)
25.11.12 10:19h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #117 (Sun 25.11.12)
25.11.12 10:46h  change_name  Blemba Baiges Rukalai
25.11.12 13:56h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #117 (Sun 25.11.12)
25.11.12 20:31h  new_member  Deleted (6347970)
29.11.12 16:54h  join_league  Baltics League of Legends Go4LoL Baltics Go4LoL Baltics #1
29.11.12 16:55h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Friday Night Fun #5
29.11.12 16:55h  join_league  Baltics League of Legends Go4LoL Baltics GO4LoL Baltics #3
01.12.12 16:54h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #118 (Sun 02.12.12)
02.12.12 10:59h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
08.12.12 12:05h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #119 (Sun 09.12.12)
13.12.12 13:41h  wanna_join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Friday Night Fun #6
14.12.12 15:05h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #120 (Sun 16.12.12)
18.12.12 16:22h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #121 (Thu 27.12.12)
18.12.12 21:46h  join_league  Baltics League of Legends 5on5 End of the World
22.12.12 14:41h  new_member  Deleted (5421937)
22.12.12 14:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
23.12.12 17:21h  change_name  bleiz.ENTRY
23.12.12 17:23h  new_member  Deleted (4920599)
23.12.12 17:25h  set_parent  bleiz.ENTRY
23.12.12 17:25h  new_member  Deleted (6264122)
01.01.13 19:55h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #123 (Sun 06.01.13)
03.01.13 01:17h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Friday Night Fun #7
04.01.13 17:07h  new_member  Deleted (6184441)
05.01.13 10:18h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
06.01.13 16:56h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
08.01.13 15:55h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Friday Night Fun #8
12.01.13 12:33h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #124 (Sun 13.01.13)
16.01.13 16:04h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #125 (Sun 20.01.13)
21.01.13 08:06h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
21.01.13 15:59h  change_name  bleiz
21.01.13 17:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #126 (Sun 27.01.13)
29.01.13 18:19h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #127 (Sun 03.02.13)
09.02.13 11:49h  wanna_join_league  Baltics League of Legends Go4LoL Baltics #4
09.02.13 11:52h  join_league  Baltics League of Legends Go4LoL Baltics #4
09.02.13 12:30h  new_member  Noxviss (7513216)
09.02.13 13:07h  new_member  Deleted (6029863)
09.02.13 13:09h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
09.02.13 15:41h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 A-Series
10.02.13 07:51h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
16.02.13 11:05h  join_league  Baltics League of Legends Go4LoL Baltics #5
17.02.13 13:42h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #129 (Sun 17.02.13)
17.02.13 15:14h  new_member  Deleted (6967407)
19.02.13 13:22h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
24.02.13 12:42h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #130 (Sun 24.02.13)
26.02.13 18:50h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Technorama Invitational Corsair Challenge #1
10.03.13 12:50h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #132 (Sun 10.03.13)
11.03.13 10:56h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Technorama Corsair Challenge #2
24.03.13 11:55h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #134 (Sun 24.03.13)
27.03.13 16:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 RaidCall EMS Spring 2013 Last Chance Qualification
31.03.13 10:33h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #135 (Sun 31.03.13)
01.04.13 17:23h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
01.04.13 17:25h  delete_parent  bleiz
05.04.13 12:09h  new_child  bleiz
07.04.13 13:18h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #136 (Sun 07.04.13)
21.04.13 00:26h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #138 (Sun 21.04.13)
01.05.13 11:45h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Friday Night Fun #13
03.05.13 21:39h  new_member  Deleted (7145880)
04.05.13 13:59h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
05.05.13 09:51h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #140 (Sun 05.05.13)
06.05.13 08:17h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
08.05.13 16:53h  change_name  Exertus Bleiz
11.05.13 11:23h  new_member  Deleted (6233073)
11.05.13 11:43h  new_member  Deleted (6233274)
11.05.13 18:51h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #141 (Sun 12.05.13)
13.05.13 20:44h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #142 (Sun 19.05.13)
19.05.13 13:40h  new_member  Deleted (5879691)
19.05.13 20:30h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
23.05.13 16:04h  new_member  Deleted (6502440)
26.05.13 13:00h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #143 (Sun 26.05.13)
26.05.13 15:03h  new_member  Deleted (7023745)
02.06.13 12:05h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #144 (Sun 02.06.13)
02.06.13 13:13h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #144 (Sun 02.06.13)
03.06.13 13:04h  join_league  LIT League of Legends 5on5 Friday Night Fun #14
04.06.13 20:53h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
05.06.13 12:53h  new_member  aKeLa (6232378)
06.06.13 09:41h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 5on5 Champions Club #77
06.06.13 09:51h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
06.06.13 09:51h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
06.06.13 13:04h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #145 (Sun 09.06.13)
07.06.13 20:48h  new_member  Deleted (6347970)
07.06.13 21:44h  new_member  Deleted (3143980)
08.06.13 19:24h  leave_member  Deleted (3143980)
16.06.13 12:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
16.06.13 12:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
16.06.13 12:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #146 (Sun 16.06.13)
16.06.13 12:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #146 (Sun 16.06.13)
16.06.13 12:41h  new_member  Deleted (7186385)
17.06.13 08:16h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_silver"
19.06.13 15:15h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #147 (Sun 23.06.13)
19.06.13 15:15h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Fight Club #99 (20.06.13)
19.06.13 15:16h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 5on5 Fight Club #99 (20.06.13)
23.06.13 21:18h  change_name  Bleiz
27.06.13 17:20h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Champions Club #78
27.06.13 17:21h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #148 (Sun 30.06.13)
27.06.13 17:23h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 5on5 Champions Club #78
27.06.13 17:28h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #148 (Sun 30.06.13)
27.06.13 17:37h  new_member  Deleted (6142494)
27.06.13 17:39h  new_member  Deleted (6510355)
30.06.13 14:02h  leave_member  Deleted (7186385)
30.06.13 14:48h  new_member  Deleted (6188337)
06.07.13 12:43h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #149 (Sun 07.07.13)
06.07.13 12:44h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Summer 2013 - EU Challenger Tournament Qualifier #2
06.07.13 12:53h  wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #1
06.07.13 12:56h  wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #2
06.07.13 12:57h  wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #3
07.07.13 14:53h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #149 (Sun 07.07.13)
08.07.13 12:18h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #1
09.07.13 15:13h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #3
09.07.13 15:13h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Summer 2013 Qualifier #2
19.07.13 18:24h  leave_member  Deleted (6142494)
05.08.13 20:35h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
05.08.13 20:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
05.08.13 20:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
05.08.13 20:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
24.09.13 08:29h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
29.09.13 01:53h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #161 (Sun 29.09.13)
06.10.13 12:57h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #162 (Sun 06.10.13)
06.10.13 13:25h  new_member  Deleted (7184980)
06.10.13 14:11h  new_member  Deleted (7145880)
06.10.13 14:51h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #162 (Sun 06.10.13)
06.10.13 17:25h  new_member  Deleted (6703137)
06.10.13 18:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
06.10.13 22:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
12.10.13 17:28h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #163 (Sun 13.10.13)
17.10.13 19:00h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #164 (Sun 20.10.13)
24.10.13 18:18h  new_member  Noxviss (7513216)
27.10.13 10:27h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #165 (Sun 27.10.13)
28.10.13 21:07h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #166 (Sun 03.11.13)
02.11.13 20:55h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #166 (Sun 03.11.13)
03.11.13 14:13h  new_member  Deleted (6233274)
13.11.13 12:28h  new_member  Deleted (6029863)
14.11.13 10:54h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #168 (Sun 17.11.13)
16.11.13 19:35h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #168 (Sun 17.11.13)
24.11.13 14:21h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #169 (Sun 24.11.13)
24.11.13 15:01h  new_member  Deleted (8071337)
01.12.13 13:04h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #170 (Sun 01.12.13)
04.12.13 17:21h  join_league  LIT ESL Pro Series Season 2 League of Legends 5on5 Kvalifikacija #5
08.12.13 14:43h  leave_member  Deleted (6029863)
11.12.13 11:08h  new_member  Deleted (5879691)
13.12.13 20:08h  leave_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
15.12.13 11:06h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #172 (Sun 15.12.13)
15.12.13 11:06h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #172 (Sun 15.12.13)
15.12.13 14:58h  new_member  Deleted (6142494)
15.12.13 15:53h  change_name  Champions.lt
26.12.13 19:26h  change_name  ChmpS
29.12.13 14:23h  leave_member  Deleted (6142494)
29.12.13 14:35h  leave_member  Deleted (7184980)
29.12.13 17:11h  leave_member  Deleted (5879691)
05.01.14 09:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #175 (Sun 05.01.14)
05.01.14 13:23h  new_member  Deleted (6285562)
05.01.14 16:20h  new_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
05.01.14 18:55h  new_member  Deleted (8074108)
07.01.14 16:00h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
07.01.14 16:01h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
07.01.14 16:01h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
07.01.14 16:15h  new_member  Deleted (8152344)
08.01.14 14:43h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #176 (Sun 12.01.14)
08.01.14 14:44h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
16.01.14 21:27h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4920599)
18.01.14 17:50h  new_member  Deleted (7528597)
18.01.14 18:36h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #177 (Sun 19.01.14)
18.01.14 18:37h  change_name  Champions.lt
26.01.14 13:31h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #178 (Sun 26.01.14)
02.02.14 13:29h  new_member  Deleted (6934992)
02.02.14 13:46h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #179 (Sun 02.02.14)
02.02.14 14:51h  new_member  Deleted (6703137)
02.02.14 14:54h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #179 (Sun 02.02.14)
02.02.14 15:21h  new_member  Deleted (7088412)
09.02.14 14:03h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #180 (Sun 09.02.14)
09.02.14 14:43h  new_member  Deleted (7870895)
09.02.14 14:55h  change_name  Bleiz
10.02.14 00:21h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
10.02.14 00:21h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
10.02.14 00:21h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
10.02.14 00:23h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
10.02.14 00:23h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
10.02.14 00:24h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
15.02.14 12:20h  leave_member  aKeLa (6232378)
16.02.14 13:20h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #181 (Sun 16.02.14)
16.02.14 14:28h  new_member  aKeLa (6232378)
19.02.14 18:03h  new_member  Deleted (5879691)
20.02.14 10:33h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
23.02.14 13:12h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #182 (Sun 23.02.14)
24.02.14 08:59h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_silver"
25.02.14 12:27h  change_name  Team Champions.lt
02.03.14 13:08h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #183 (Sun 02.03.14)
09.03.14 13:18h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #184 (Sun 09.03.14)
09.03.14 15:59h  new_member  Deleted (6142494)
16.03.14 12:34h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #185 (Sun 16.03.14)
16.03.14 15:18h  wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Qualification #5
16.03.14 15:19h  wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Qualification #6
16.03.14 15:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Qualification #5
16.03.14 15:38h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East 5on5 Euro Series Qualification #6
17.03.14 16:10h  leave_member  Deleted (6142494)
23.03.14 13:35h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #186 (Sun 23.03.14)
23.03.14 13:36h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #186 (Sun 23.03.14)
23.03.14 14:58h  new_member  Deleted (7184980)
27.03.14 19:54h  leave_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
02.04.14 14:30h  change_name  Bleiz
03.04.14 14:08h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5653094)
08.04.14 15:41h  new_member  Deleted (5639719)
08.04.14 16:57h  leave_member  Deleted (7184980)
13.04.14 11:53h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #189 (Sun 13.04.14)
18.04.14 12:30h  join_league  Baltics League of Legends Friday Night Fun #33 by Razer
18.04.14 19:15h  new_member  Deleted (7528597)
21.12.14 11:39h  leave_member  Deleted (5639719)
08.11.15 13:34h  new_member  Deleted (9551228)
08.11.15 13:35h  new_member  TAIFUNAS (6169108)
08.11.15 13:51h  new_member  Deleted (6732247)
08.11.15 13:54h  join_league  ESL Play paysafecard Go4LoL EU Nordic & East Cup #271
08.11.15 14:12h  new_member  Deleted (6246988)
08.11.15 16:33h  new_member  Deleted (9248168)
22.09.16 07:32h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
16.10.18 19:42h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
03.03.19 19:42h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
08.12.19 18:36h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
08.03.20 23:58h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
26.07.20 22:59h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
23.03.21 19:14h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
15.06.21 16:32h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
27.02.22 20:08h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
07.05.22 06:31h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_10years"
29.12.23 14:54h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)