Visitors (since 05/01/12)
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History Niet Te Breken
created action
05.01.12 12:56h  register_team  Deleted (3404206)
05.01.12 12:57h  new_member  Deleted (5732966)
05.01.12 13:03h  wanna_join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
05.01.12 13:04h  wanna_join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
05.01.12 21:20h  join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
05.01.12 21:20h  join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
18.02.12 02:10h  inactivity_kick  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
18.02.12 02:10h  inactivity_kick  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
07.03.12 13:49h  wanna_join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
07.03.12 13:49h  wanna_join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
07.03.12 14:33h  join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
07.03.12 14:33h  join_league  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
22.04.12 01:41h  inactivity_kick  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Team Deathmatch 2on2 Ladder
01.05.12 01:55h  inactivity_kick  Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
06.07.12 07:07h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
05.01.13 07:49h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
22.01.14 08:30h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
03.01.17 07:31h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
12.01.20 22:31h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
28.12.20 20:58h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)