History New Star (RU)
created action
19.04.12 01:36h  register_team  Deleted (4071757)
19.04.12 01:38h  change_name  New Star: Omega
19.04.12 12:39h  new_member  Deleted (6293059)
19.04.12 19:56h  new_member  Deleted (6393887)
19.04.12 20:47h  new_member  Deleted (6813811)
19.04.12 21:27h  new_member  Deleted (6813945)
19.04.12 21:44h  new_member  Deleted (6319818)
19.04.12 21:54h  new_member  Deleted (6814042)
19.04.12 23:14h  new_member  Deleted (6814204)
20.04.12 01:27h  new_member  Deleted (6294665)
20.04.12 10:13h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #4
20.04.12 10:24h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #4
20.04.12 11:27h  new_member  Deleted (6814765)
20.04.12 15:07h  new_member  Deleted (6815076)
20.04.12 20:59h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Ladder April 2012
21.04.12 00:06h  new_member  Deleted (6358061)
21.04.12 09:56h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Ladder April 2012
21.04.12 11:22h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #2
21.04.12 14:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
21.04.12 22:10h  new_member  Deleted (5314744)
21.04.12 22:19h  new_member  Deleted (6819281)
22.04.12 10:28h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #3
22.04.12 10:53h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #3
22.04.12 17:16h  new_member  Deleted (6819315)
24.04.12 11:25h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #5
24.04.12 11:50h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #5
28.04.12 14:56h  new_member  Deleted (6819288)
28.04.12 14:56h  new_member  Deleted (6833392)
02.05.12 22:09h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #4
02.05.12 22:10h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #1
03.05.12 09:47h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #1
03.05.12 19:44h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #4
05.05.12 13:34h  new_member  Deleted (6072950)
05.05.12 14:35h  new_member  Deleted (6073682)
05.05.12 14:46h  new_member  Deleted (4522080)
07.05.12 11:25h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
07.05.12 11:25h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #5
07.05.12 11:30h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #5
09.05.12 22:42h  new_member  Deleted (6357786)
10.05.12 11:49h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #2 (13.05.12)
10.05.12 12:24h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #2 (13.05.12)
10.05.12 21:26h  new_member  Deleted (2679575)
10.05.12 22:10h  leave_member  Deleted (2679575)
12.05.12 16:00h  new_member  Deleted (6866415)
12.05.12 17:04h  new_member  Deleted (6296132)
14.05.12 02:17h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #3 (20.05.12)
14.05.12 08:34h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #3 (20.05.12)
15.05.12 15:43h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 3on3 Super16 May Qualification #2 (15.05.12)
15.05.12 16:09h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 3on3 Super16 May Qualification #2 (15.05.12)
16.05.12 06:38h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #6 (19.05.12)
16.05.12 09:53h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #6 (19.05.12)
20.05.12 12:56h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
21.05.12 12:41h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
21.05.12 19:56h  new_member  Deleted (2679575)
23.05.12 16:34h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #7 (26.05.12)
23.05.12 16:34h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #4 (27.05.12)
23.05.12 17:09h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #7 (26.05.12)
23.05.12 17:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #4 (27.05.12)
26.05.12 15:13h  new_member  Deleted (6065224)
28.05.12 07:28h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
28.05.12 23:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
28.05.12 23:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
31.05.12 16:44h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #8 (2.06.12)
31.05.12 21:08h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #8 (2.06.12)
01.06.12 21:07h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT GoCIS4WoT Cup 1
02.06.12 12:35h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #8 (2.06.12)
02.06.12 13:26h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT GoCIS4WoT Cup 1
03.06.12 21:29h  change_name  New Star: team 1
04.06.12 07:19h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
09.06.12 13:43h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 Non Pro Cup #9 (9.06.12, 17:00 MSK)
10.06.12 01:32h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #2 (10.06.12)
10.06.12 12:44h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #2 (10.06.12)
10.06.12 18:05h  new_member  Deleted (6294665)
16.06.12 15:51h  new_child  New Star: 3x3 T-28 Cup
16.06.12 18:01h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #3 (17.06.12)
16.06.12 18:04h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #3 (17.06.12)
17.06.12 17:57h  new_member  Deleted (6951466)
17.06.12 18:01h  new_member  Deleted (6862738)
23.06.12 14:58h  leave_member  Deleted (4522080)
29.06.12 22:06h  set_parent  New Star: manager team
29.06.12 22:31h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
29.06.12 23:17h  new_member  Deleted (6073682)
29.06.12 23:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
29.06.12 23:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
29.06.12 23:47h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
30.06.12 16:52h  new_member  Deleted (6812735)
30.06.12 18:02h  new_member  Deleted (6989092)
30.06.12 19:58h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #1 (1.07.12)
30.06.12 20:19h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #1 (1.07.12)
30.06.12 20:38h  new_member  Deleted (6454321)
05.07.12 17:52h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #2 (8.07.12)
05.07.12 19:01h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #2 (8.07.12)
07.07.12 18:06h  new_member  Deleted (2528401)
12.07.12 22:36h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #3 (15.07.12)
13.07.12 11:08h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #3 (15.07.12)
17.07.12 04:02h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #4 (22.07.12)
17.07.12 09:59h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #4 (22.07.12)
17.07.12 11:04h  new_member  Deleted (7023508)
22.07.12 16:51h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
22.07.12 16:51h  leave_member  Deleted (6294665)
24.07.12 19:42h  new_member  Deleted (6209899)
28.07.12 21:21h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #5 (29.07.12)
28.07.12 21:57h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #5 (29.07.12)
03.08.12 16:43h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #1 (5.08.12)
03.08.12 16:46h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #1 (5.08.12)
11.08.12 22:39h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #2 (12.08.12)
12.08.12 00:25h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #2 (12.08.12)
15.08.12 22:47h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
15.08.12 22:48h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
22.08.12 15:55h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #4 (26.08.12)
22.08.12 16:56h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #4 (26.08.12)
01.09.12 23:16h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #1 (2.09.12)
02.09.12 14:59h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #1 (2.09.12)
02.09.12 21:14h  new_member  Deleted (6864746)
08.09.12 18:38h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #2 (9.09.12)
08.09.12 19:06h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #2 (9.09.12)
19.09.12 18:59h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #4 (23.09.12)
19.09.12 21:15h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #4 (23.09.12)
24.09.12 11:16h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_silver"
30.09.12 02:02h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #5 (30.09.12)
30.09.12 09:01h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT September Cup #5 (30.09.12)
03.10.12 15:13h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #1 (07.10.12)
03.10.12 18:31h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #1 (07.10.12)
14.10.12 12:21h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #2 (14.10.12)
14.10.12 13:44h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #2 (14.10.12)
19.10.12 07:07h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
21.10.12 05:29h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #3 (21.10.12)
21.10.12 09:21h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #3 (21.10.12)
28.10.12 14:11h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #4 (28.10.12)
28.10.12 15:00h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT October Cup #4 (28.10.12)
28.10.12 18:45h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
28.10.12 18:45h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
28.10.12 18:45h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
28.10.12 18:45h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
28.10.12 18:46h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
28.10.12 18:46h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
03.11.12 18:50h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #1 (4.11.12)
03.11.12 19:58h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #1 (4.11.12)
10.11.12 21:25h  change_name  New Star: team 1 (RU)
11.11.12 11:01h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #2 (11.11.12)
11.11.12 11:35h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #2 (11.11.12)
18.11.12 12:52h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #3 (18.11.12)
18.11.12 13:32h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #3 (18.11.12)
25.11.12 15:31h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #4 (25.11.12)
25.11.12 15:32h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #4 (25.11.12)
08.12.12 04:44h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #2 (08.12.12)
08.12.12 12:46h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #2 (08.12.12)
14.12.12 17:17h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #3 (15.12.12)
15.12.12 14:43h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #3 (15.12.12)
20.12.12 05:27h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #4 (22.12.12)
20.12.12 06:59h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #4 (22.12.12)
22.12.12 13:50h  new_member  Deleted (6739728)
22.12.12 13:53h  new_member  Deleted (6297177)
28.12.12 14:59h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #5 (29.12.12)
28.12.12 19:48h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #5 (29.12.12)
09.01.13 15:23h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
09.01.13 15:23h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4071757)
17.01.13 00:17h  change_name  New Star (RU)
17.01.13 14:49h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
17.01.13 14:49h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
17.01.13 14:50h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
17.01.13 14:50h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
17.01.13 14:51h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
17.01.13 14:51h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6813811)
17.01.13 14:54h  change_name  New Star: Team 1 (RU)
28.01.13 18:48h  leave_member  Deleted (6072950)
05.03.13 19:17h  new_member  Deleted (7569956)
15.03.13 18:24h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT ESL March Cup #1 (16.03.13)
16.03.13 03:39h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT ESL March Cup #1 (16.03.13)
16.03.13 12:01h  new_member  Deleted (6884814)
16.03.13 16:37h  new_member  Deleted (6841098)
23.03.13 07:18h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT ESL March Cup №2 (23.03.13)
23.03.13 08:25h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT ESL March Cup №2 (23.03.13)
23.03.13 16:59h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6841098)
05.04.13 11:57h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #1 (6.04.13)
05.04.13 15:31h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #1 (6.04.13)
06.04.13 01:51h  change_name  New Star (RU)
19.04.13 20:03h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #3 (20.04.13 19:00 MSK)
20.04.13 06:34h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #3 (20.04.13 19:00 MSK)
20.04.13 08:23h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
26.04.13 20:35h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #4 (27.04.13 19:00 MSK)
27.04.13 11:00h  new_member  Deleted (7106824)
27.04.13 13:45h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT April Cup #4 (27.04.13 19:00 MSK)
03.05.13 18:21h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #1 (4.05.13)
03.05.13 20:47h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #1 (4.05.13)
08.05.13 08:43h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_silver"
11.05.13 15:31h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #2 (11.05.13)
11.05.13 15:48h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #2 (11.05.13)
18.05.13 15:55h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #3 (18.05.13)
18.05.13 15:58h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #3 (18.05.13)
25.05.13 15:08h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #4 (25.05.13)
25.05.13 16:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT May Cup #4 (25.05.13)
25.05.13 16:38h  leave_member  Deleted (6813811)
28.05.13 13:51h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
28.05.13 16:05h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_silver"
31.05.13 22:04h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #1 (1.06.13 19-00 MSK)
01.06.13 12:22h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #1 (1.06.13 19-00 MSK)
15.06.13 11:30h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #3 (15.06.13 19-00 MSK)
15.06.13 11:38h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #3 (15.06.13 19-00 MSK)
16.06.13 08:20h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
22.06.13 22:41h  leave_member  Deleted (4071757)
23.06.13 15:14h  leave_member  Deleted (6884814)
23.06.13 15:15h  leave_member  Deleted (6739728)
23.06.13 15:45h  leave_member  Deleted (7106824)
24.06.13 13:46h  leave_member  Deleted (6819281)
28.06.13 19:59h  new_member  Deleted (6672427)
28.06.13 20:01h  new_member  Deleted (6065348)
28.06.13 20:02h  new_member  Deleted (7688686)
28.06.13 20:03h  new_member  Deleted (7087240)
28.06.13 20:09h  new_member  Deleted (7591935)
28.06.13 20:19h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #5 (29.06.13 19-00 MSK)
28.06.13 21:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT June Cup #5 (29.06.13 19-00 MSK)
29.06.13 17:45h  leave_member  Deleted (6814042)
29.06.13 17:49h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2528401)
06.07.13 10:01h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #1 (06.07.13 19:00 MSK)
06.07.13 10:12h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT July Cup #1 (06.07.13 19:00 MSK)
10.08.13 10:01h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #2 (10.08.13 19:00 MSK)
10.08.13 10:33h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #2 (10.08.13 19:00 MSK)
24.08.13 16:25h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #4 (24.08.13 19:00 MSK)
24.08.13 16:25h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT August Cup #4 (24.08.13 19:00 MSK)
24.08.13 16:26h  new_member  Deleted (7208257)
14.09.13 15:37h  leave_member  Deleted (7688686)
12.10.13 15:03h  leave_member  Deleted (7087240)
17.10.13 19:27h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6841098)
26.10.13 13:53h  leave_member  Deleted (6073682)
20.04.14 08:47h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
30.05.14 03:39h  leave_member  Deleted (6672427)
10.12.14 18:44h  leave_member  Deleted (7208257)
16.03.16 00:27h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (6864746)
28.03.18 00:24h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (6297177)
29.03.18 00:27h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (7591935)
17.07.18 07:31h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
17.09.19 17:29h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
15.08.22 12:29h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)