created action
24.07.12 18:22h  register_team  Deleted (4480343)
25.07.12 15:09h  new_member  Deleted (2245897)
25.07.12 15:22h  new_member  Deleted (7020010)
31.07.12 19:55h  leave_member  Deleted (4480343)
31.07.12 19:59h  new_member  Deleted (6483360)
31.07.12 20:53h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Open Gamescom 2012 #1 Op3n Gamescom 2012
31.07.12 20:56h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Open Gamescom 2012 #1 Op3n Gamescom 2012
31.07.12 21:49h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Open Gamescom 2012 #2 Op3n Gamescom 2012
31.07.12 21:49h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Open Gamescom 2012 #3 Op3n Gamescom 2012
01.08.12 12:10h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Open Gamescom 2012 #2 Op3n Gamescom 2012
01.08.12 14:41h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Open Gamescom 2012 #3 Op3n Gamescom 2012
03.08.12 14:59h  new_member  Deleted (4480343)
09.08.12 15:51h  change_name  CALL911.sm
09.08.12 15:52h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #2
09.08.12 16:35h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #2
09.08.12 17:05h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Ladder
09.08.12 17:33h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Ladder
19.08.12 16:50h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #4
19.08.12 17:53h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #4
19.08.12 17:55h  new_member  Deleted (4458965)
22.08.12 22:04h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Community
22.08.12 22:40h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #5
23.08.12 12:49h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #5
26.08.12 00:49h  leave_member  Deleted (4458965)
29.08.12 18:47h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #7
29.08.12 19:32h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #7
29.08.12 20:02h  new_member  Deleted (4476220)
30.08.12 11:36h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
10.09.12 11:54h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4480343)
10.09.12 11:54h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 - Qualifier EPSILAN #9
11.09.12 20:17h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 - Qualifier EPSILAN #9
11.09.12 22:42h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 - Qualifier EPSILAN #9
13.09.12 21:58h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
18.09.12 22:42h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #13
19.09.12 00:47h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #13
22.09.12 01:21h  inactivity_kick  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Ladder
23.09.12 19:55h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #2
23.09.12 20:00h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #2
23.09.12 21:55h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup # 3
23.09.12 21:57h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup # 3
24.09.12 21:18h  new_member  Deleted (2788046)
30.09.12 18:00h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
30.09.12 18:01h  new_member  Deleted (4476220)
30.09.12 18:02h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #16
30.09.12 18:20h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #16
01.10.12 17:17h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #5
01.10.12 17:24h  change_name  o Balls of steel o
01.10.12 17:38h  change_name  Balls of Steel.sm
01.10.12 19:22h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #5
03.10.12 13:36h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #6
03.10.12 16:18h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #6
04.10.12 20:32h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Pré-inscriptions AutumnCup
04.10.12 20:36h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Pré-inscriptions AutumnCup
06.10.12 19:20h  change_name  Event2Give.sm
06.10.12 19:41h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #7
06.10.12 19:42h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #19
06.10.12 20:20h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #19
07.10.12 12:19h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #8
07.10.12 15:17h  leave_member  Deleted (4480343)
07.10.12 17:11h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #8
09.10.12 06:21h  new_member  Deleted (5052871)
09.10.12 06:23h  change_name  Event 2 Give
09.10.12 11:08h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
10.10.12 12:27h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #9
10.10.12 13:09h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #9
14.10.12 19:52h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Autumn League Qualifier 2
14.10.12 19:53h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Autumn League Qualifier 2
15.10.12 22:34h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #12
15.10.12 22:35h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #13
16.10.12 03:30h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #13
16.10.12 03:30h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #12
18.10.12 00:56h  new_member  Deleted (963862)
22.10.12 19:08h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
22.10.12 19:08h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #14
22.10.12 19:10h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Beta Cup #14
23.10.12 07:23h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
25.10.12 18:40h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 BetaCup #15
25.10.12 18:45h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 BetaCup #15
25.10.12 21:07h  change_name  Supa mix
25.10.12 21:09h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4476220)
25.10.12 21:57h  change_name  onoz
26.10.12 20:51h  change_name  ONOZ
29.10.12 11:54h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #16
29.10.12 11:58h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #16
06.11.12 17:36h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #25
06.11.12 17:52h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #25
16.11.12 18:53h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #28
16.11.12 20:12h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #21
16.11.12 20:23h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #28
21.11.12 13:51h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #29
21.11.12 14:29h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #29
21.11.12 15:41h  change_name  ReasonGaming
21.11.12 19:03h  new_member  Deleted (5461806)
21.11.12 19:30h  new_member  dannkS (866268)
21.11.12 20:21h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
21.11.12 20:21h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
21.11.12 20:22h  change_name  Reason Gaming.sm
28.11.12 13:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #31
28.11.12 14:41h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #31
29.11.12 09:41h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #27
29.11.12 10:56h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 3on3 Elite Beta Cup #27
05.12.12 18:41h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #33
05.12.12 18:58h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Beta Cup #33
06.12.12 07:17h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
02.01.13 20:28h  set_parent  Epsilon e-Sports
02.01.13 20:29h  delete_parent  Epsilon e-Sports
06.01.13 18:01h  set_parent  adk
06.01.13 18:02h  set_parent  adk
06.01.13 18:03h  kick_parent  adk
23.01.13 07:46h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
03.04.13 21:42h  leave_member  Deleted (4476220)
18.04.13 14:31h  new_member  Deleted (4476220)
18.04.13 14:35h  change_name  ONOZ
18.04.13 19:09h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #3 - 21/04/13
18.04.13 19:49h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #3 - 21/04/13
21.04.13 17:40h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #3 - 21/04/13
21.04.13 17:40h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #3 - 21/04/13
22.04.13 07:48h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #4 - 28/04/13
22.04.13 07:49h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #2
22.04.13 08:49h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #2
22.04.13 08:49h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #4 - 28/04/13
24.04.13 09:02h  new_member  Deleted (5461806)
28.04.13 17:51h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #4 - 28/04/13
28.04.13 17:53h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #4 - 28/04/13
28.04.13 18:04h  new_member  Deleted (7695203)
05.05.13 02:22h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #5 - 05/05/13
05.05.13 03:56h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #5 - 05/05/13
05.05.13 16:42h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #6 - 12/05/13
05.05.13 16:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #7 - 19/05/13
05.05.13 16:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #8 - 26/05/13
05.05.13 16:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #9 - 02/06/13
05.05.13 17:06h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #6 - 12/05/13
05.05.13 17:06h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #8 - 26/05/13
05.05.13 17:06h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #9 - 02/06/13
05.05.13 17:06h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #7 - 19/05/13
19.05.13 16:35h  change_name  sup babe?
19.05.13 16:36h  new_member  Deleted (5889470)
19.05.13 16:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7020010)
19.05.13 16:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7020010)
19.05.13 16:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7020010)
19.05.13 17:42h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #7 - 19/05/13
19.05.13 17:44h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #7 - 19/05/13
19.05.13 18:59h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 ESL Series
19.05.13 19:01h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #6
19.05.13 19:44h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Spring Series Cup #6
19.05.13 19:44h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 ESL Series
26.05.13 16:18h  new_member  Deleted (4080193)
26.05.13 17:49h  leave_member  Deleted (5889470)
29.05.13 12:32h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #2
29.05.13 15:22h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #2
05.06.13 12:45h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #4
05.06.13 13:06h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #4
09.06.13 12:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #10 - 09/06/13
09.06.13 13:18h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #10 - 09/06/13
12.06.13 16:31h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #6
12.06.13 16:34h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #6
12.06.13 17:50h  change_name  287.sm
16.06.13 15:47h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #11 - 16/06/13
16.06.13 15:59h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #11 - 16/06/13
17.06.13 08:22h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
19.06.13 12:53h  change_name  Western Digital SM
19.06.13 16:41h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #8
19.06.13 17:16h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #8
25.06.13 16:00h  kicked_from_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 ESL Series
26.06.13 15:32h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #10
26.06.13 15:35h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #10
30.06.13 16:05h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #11
30.06.13 16:15h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Night Cup #11
02.07.13 16:50h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #13 - 07/07/13
02.07.13 16:51h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #1
02.07.13 16:51h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #2
02.07.13 17:13h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #13 - 07/07/13
02.07.13 17:13h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #1
02.07.13 17:13h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #2
03.07.13 19:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #1
03.07.13 19:44h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Summer Series Cup #1
14.07.13 14:20h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #14 - 14/07/13
14.07.13 17:32h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #14 - 14/07/13
25.07.13 08:38h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
04.09.13 19:11h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
08.09.13 16:26h  new_member  Deleted (1156826)
08.09.13 16:26h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #22 - 08/09/13
08.09.13 16:43h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #22 - 08/09/13
08.09.13 17:44h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #22 - 08/09/13
08.09.13 17:44h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #22 - 08/09/13
10.09.13 17:05h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
10.09.13 18:08h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
11.09.13 19:28h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #1
11.09.13 19:29h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #1
11.09.13 19:43h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #1
11.09.13 19:44h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #1
15.09.13 16:45h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #23 - 15/09/13
15.09.13 16:54h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #23 - 15/09/13
15.09.13 18:18h  new_member  Deleted (6438191)
16.09.13 19:53h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#2 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
16.09.13 19:54h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#2 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
18.09.13 16:39h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #2
18.09.13 16:41h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#3 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
18.09.13 16:44h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#3 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
18.09.13 19:01h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Series Cup #2
23.09.13 17:14h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Autumn Series Cup #1
23.09.13 17:17h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#4 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
23.09.13 17:43h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#4 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
23.09.13 18:25h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Autumn Series Cup #1
30.09.13 18:45h  wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#6 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
30.09.13 18:46h  join_league  FR ShootMania Storm Elite 3on3 Cup Series#6 by ROCCAT & Sennheiser
06.10.13 17:48h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #26 - 06/10/13
06.10.13 17:48h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #26 - 06/10/13
13.10.13 16:30h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #27 - 13/10/13
13.10.13 16:40h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #27 - 13/10/13
14.10.13 08:21h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_silver"
20.10.13 17:11h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #28 - 20/10/13
20.10.13 17:13h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #28 - 20/10/13
20.10.13 17:54h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #28 - 20/10/13
20.10.13 17:55h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #28 - 20/10/13
20.10.13 18:26h  change_name  Western Digital.SM
03.11.13 13:24h  wanna_join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #30 - 03/11/13
03.11.13 13:26h  join_league  Europe ShootMania Storm Go4Shootmania Cup #30 - 03/11/13
08.11.13 16:53h  leave_member  Deleted (1156826)
01.12.13 17:00h  change_name  GRAMMAR POLICE
01.12.13 17:01h  kick_member  / by Deleted (2245897)
01.12.13 17:01h  new_member  Deleted (6464933)
01.12.13 17:02h  new_member  Deleted (5889470)
08.01.14 23:41h  leave_member  Deleted (5889470)
25.07.14 08:10h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
18.04.18 07:39h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
28.04.18 00:24h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (7020010)
28.09.20 22:01h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
17.05.24 20:00h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)