History voiDTeam
created action
06.01.13 18:40h  register_team  Deleted (7424839)
06.01.13 19:01h  new_member  Deleted (7424942)
20.01.13 04:28h  new_member  Deleted (7404931)
20.01.13 04:31h  new_member  Deleted (7460734)
20.01.13 04:50h  new_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
23.01.13 06:37h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #13 (26 Jan)
24.01.13 06:01h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #13 (26 Jan)
26.01.13 16:08h  new_member  Deleted (6412038)
06.02.13 05:17h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #14 (10 Fev)
06.02.13 15:02h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #14 (10 Fev)
10.02.13 15:55h  new_member  Deleted (7119002)
10.02.13 21:35h  change_name  FriendsNeverDie
15.02.13 17:39h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #15 (16 Fev)
16.02.13 15:55h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #16 (17 Fev)
16.02.13 22:41h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #16 (17 Fev)
17.02.13 08:07h  new_member  Deleted (5906269)
17.02.13 17:24h  leave_member  Deleted (6412038)
18.02.13 10:04h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
22.02.13 16:11h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #17 (24 Fev)
02.03.13 01:41h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #18 (03 Março)
02.03.13 15:38h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #18 (03 Março)
03.03.13 15:50h  new_member  Deleted (7565640)
08.03.13 22:37h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #19 (10 Março)
09.03.13 20:03h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #19 (10 Março)
10.03.13 18:26h  new_member  Deleted (7582773)
15.03.13 01:41h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #20 (17 Março)
15.03.13 19:05h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #20 (17 Março)
16.03.13 16:48h  new_member  Deleted (7395156)
22.03.13 22:01h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #21 (24 Março)
23.03.13 06:47h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #21 (24 Março)
24.03.13 03:27h  new_member  Deleted (6118861)
24.03.13 07:20h  leave_member  Deleted (7119002)
29.03.13 22:57h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #22 (31 Março)
31.03.13 01:57h  new_member  Deleted (7040371)
31.03.13 03:21h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #22 (31 Março)
01.04.13 08:09h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
07.04.13 00:35h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #23 (07 Abril)
07.04.13 00:36h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #24 (14 Abril)
07.04.13 00:36h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #25 (21 Abril)
07.04.13 00:36h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #26 (28 Abril)
07.04.13 01:29h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #23 (07 Abril)
07.04.13 08:40h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #26 (28 Abril)
07.04.13 08:40h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #25 (21 Abril)
07.04.13 08:42h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #24 (14 Abril)
07.04.13 19:26h  kick_member  / by Tecnosh (7329976)
14.04.13 02:01h  leave_member  Deleted (7460734)
22.04.13 08:43h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
28.04.13 23:05h  kick_member  / by Tecnosh (7329976)
28.04.13 23:55h  new_member  Deleted (7634520)
05.05.13 00:53h  kick_member  / by Tecnosh (7329976)
05.05.13 01:03h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #27 (05 Maio)
05.05.13 03:55h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #27 (05 Maio)
07.05.13 23:35h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends 5on5 ESL Brasil Open - Etapa para o Campeonato Brasileiro de LoL
08.05.13 00:37h  join_league  BR League of Legends 5on5 ESL Brasil Open - Etapa para o Campeonato Brasileiro de LoL
10.05.13 02:31h  leave_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
10.05.13 22:33h  new_member  Deleted (7718379)
10.05.13 22:42h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #28 (19 Maio)
10.05.13 22:42h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #29 (25 Maio)
10.05.13 22:42h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #30 (26 Maio)
11.05.13 04:41h  leave_member  Deleted (7395156)
11.05.13 04:43h  leave_member  Deleted (7040371)
11.05.13 06:15h  new_member  Deleted (7719377)
11.05.13 07:43h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #29 (25 Maio)
11.05.13 07:44h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #28 (19 Maio)
11.05.13 07:44h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #30 (26 Maio)
14.05.13 03:26h  change_name  Royal Flush Plays
24.05.13 03:44h  new_member  Deleted (7548461)
24.05.13 03:55h  change_name  Cyber Gamer eSports
26.05.13 08:33h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
02.06.13 00:17h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #31 (02 Junho)
02.06.13 03:59h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #31 (02 Junho)
02.06.13 18:25h  new_member  Deleted (7495337)
09.06.13 01:16h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #32 (09 Junho)
09.06.13 06:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7548461)
09.06.13 06:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7548461)
09.06.13 16:11h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7548461)
15.06.13 23:56h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #33 (16 Junho)
16.06.13 02:33h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #33 (16 Junho)
16.06.13 19:10h  new_member  Deleted (7495337)
22.06.13 17:45h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #34 (23 Junho)
22.06.13 19:28h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #34 (23 Junho)
23.06.13 04:25h  new_member  Deleted (7800174)
23.06.13 18:48h  leave_member  Deleted (7800174)
27.06.13 04:22h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #35 (30 Junho)
28.06.13 03:18h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #35 (30 Junho)
30.06.13 17:37h  change_name  Cyber Gamer Shield eSports
08.07.13 08:26h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
13.07.13 22:39h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7424839)
13.07.13 22:39h  new_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
14.07.13 01:49h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #37 (14 Julho)
14.07.13 05:17h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #37 (14 Julho)
14.07.13 18:05h  new_member  Deleted (7404965)
18.07.13 02:13h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #38 (27 Julho)
24.07.13 14:07h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #38 (27 Julho)
03.08.13 02:37h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #40 (04 Agosto)
03.08.13 03:40h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #40 (04 Agosto)
03.08.13 23:11h  new_member  Deleted (7133417)
03.08.13 23:12h  new_member  Deleted (7757097)
04.08.13 02:41h  leave_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
04.08.13 17:55h  leave_member  Deleted (7495337)
04.08.13 18:33h  leave_member  Deleted (7404931)
04.08.13 18:34h  wanna_join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #40 (04 Agosto)
04.08.13 18:35h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6118861)
04.08.13 18:37h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #40 (04 Agosto)
07.08.13 02:33h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Qualificatória #41 (11 de Agosto)
11.08.13 05:04h  new_member  Deleted (7495337)
11.08.13 18:13h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #41 (11 de Agosto)
23.08.13 06:52h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #43 (25 de Agosto)
25.08.13 04:04h  new_member  Deleted (6022549)
25.08.13 17:07h  leave_member  Deleted (7133417)
25.08.13 17:50h  new_member  Deleted (7404931)
25.08.13 18:35h  new_member  Deleted (7440158)
25.08.13 18:49h  new_member  Deleted (7565640)
25.08.13 18:49h  change_name  Cyber Gamer eSports
25.08.13 21:02h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7424839)
25.08.13 21:02h  new_member  Deleted (6239263)
26.08.13 08:21h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
31.08.13 01:45h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #44 (01 de Setembro)
01.09.13 17:16h  kick_member  / by VAMPIROW (7393499)
01.09.13 18:06h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7424839)
01.09.13 18:08h  new_member  Deleted (7436741)
15.09.13 04:01h  change_name  Straw Hats2
15.09.13 04:01h  change_name  Straw Hats2
15.09.13 04:50h  leave_member  Deleted (7495337)
03.10.13 02:27h  new_member  Deleted (7967501)
03.10.13 02:27h  new_member  Deleted (6185576)
03.10.13 02:31h  change_name  voiD Team!
03.10.13 02:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6185576)
03.10.13 02:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6185576)
03.10.13 02:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6185576)
03.10.13 02:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6185576)
03.10.13 03:05h  new_member  Deleted (7970785)
03.10.13 22:40h  change_name  voiDTeam
04.10.13 00:19h  new_member  Deleted (7541936)
05.10.13 00:23h  join_league  BR League of Legends 5on5 Clube dos Campeões #1
05.10.13 00:24h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #49 (06 de Outubro)
05.10.13 18:42h  new_member  Deleted (7097734)
06.10.13 01:12h  leave_member  Deleted (7424839)
06.10.13 03:40h  leave_member  Deleted (7757097)
06.10.13 03:42h  leave_member  Deleted (6185576)
06.10.13 03:42h  leave_member  Deleted (7424942)
20.10.13 07:27h  new_member  Deleted (6185576)
20.10.13 07:27h  new_member  Deleted (7424839)
20.10.13 07:28h  new_member  Deleted (7424942)
20.10.13 07:35h  new_member  Deleted (8002389)
20.10.13 08:11h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #51
03.11.13 13:36h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #53 ( 03 de Novembro )
09.11.13 14:06h  join_league  BR League of Legends 5on5 Clube dos Campeões # 6
10.11.13 08:21h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_silver"
17.11.13 03:32h  leave_member  Deleted (7424839)
08.12.13 06:42h  new_member  Deleted (7424839)
08.12.13 06:51h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #58 ( 08 de Dezembro )
08.12.13 06:53h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8002389)
08.12.13 16:13h  new_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
14.12.13 01:33h  leave_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
14.12.13 22:03h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #59 (15 de Dezembro)
29.12.13 15:50h  join_league  BR League of Legends Go4LoL Qualificatória #61 (29 de Dezembro)
29.12.13 16:39h  new_member  Deleted (7118595)
05.01.14 05:14h  join_league  BR League of Legends 5on5 Intel Extreme Masters - Qualify (11 de Janeiro )
07.01.14 08:32h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
10.01.14 19:37h  new_member  Deleted (8160557)
11.01.14 03:56h  leave_member  Deleted (7541936)
11.01.14 04:40h  new_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
11.01.14 12:50h  join_league  BR League of Legends 5on5 Intel Extreme Masters - Qualify (11 de Janeiro )
11.01.14 13:06h  new_member  Deleted (7042236)
25.01.14 16:06h  leave_member  Tecnosh (7329976)
29.03.14 23:58h  leave_member  Deleted (7424942)
13.04.14 09:28h  leave_member  Deleted (6185576)
07.01.15 09:01h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
28.03.18 00:22h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (8002389)
29.03.18 00:22h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (7565640)
29.03.18 00:23h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (7042236)
29.03.18 00:23h  deleted_from_team  Deleted (7967501)
19.01.19 17:29h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
11.03.19 00:27h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
22.09.19 23:14h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
17.05.21 21:15h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)