History Papaoutai
created action
13.07.13 13:04h  register_team  Deleted (5749341)
13.07.13 14:06h  new_member  Deleted (5752351)
13.07.13 14:26h  new_member  Deleted (4367253)
13.07.13 15:42h  new_member  Deleted (5709127)
13.07.13 17:19h  new_member  Deleted (4429976)
13.07.13 17:24h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #322
13.07.13 18:33h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #322
13.07.13 20:09h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #150 (Sun 14.07.13)
13.07.13 20:27h  new_member  Deleted (4249163)
13.07.13 21:05h  new_member  Deleted (7198217)
14.07.13 01:15h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #323 -100 €
14.07.13 04:56h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #323 -100 €
15.07.13 20:30h  new_member  Deleted (5316934)
15.07.13 21:56h  leave_member  Deleted (5749341)
16.07.13 08:25h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
20.07.13 18:28h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #325
20.07.13 19:53h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #325
21.07.13 23:52h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #326 - 100 €
22.07.13 00:18h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #326 - 100 €
22.07.13 20:56h  new_member  Deleted (7852716)
22.07.13 20:57h  new_member  SeeL-dA-k1nG (2574121)
25.07.13 19:39h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #327
25.07.13 19:41h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #327
27.07.13 14:29h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #328
27.07.13 14:53h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #328
27.07.13 21:00h  new_member  Deleted (6015430)
27.07.13 21:03h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4429976)
27.07.13 21:05h  new_member  Deleted (7860798)
29.07.13 14:05h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4429976)
29.07.13 19:04h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4429976)
29.07.13 20:34h  new_member  Deleted (7646576)
31.07.13 23:26h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #329
01.08.13 00:49h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #329
03.08.13 18:34h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #330
03.08.13 20:45h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #330
05.08.13 04:36h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #331 - 100 €
05.08.13 15:04h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #331 - 100 €
13.08.13 13:52h  new_member  Deleted (5749341)
15.08.13 19:09h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #335
15.08.13 19:34h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #335
26.09.13 19:21h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #348
26.09.13 19:40h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - cup #348
26.09.13 20:48h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4367253)
26.09.13 20:49h  new_member  Deleted (7960909)
28.09.13 13:44h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Qualifier EPS #6
28.09.13 18:23h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Qualifier EPS #6
29.09.13 12:51h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL Finale Septembre 2013
29.09.13 14:04h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL Finale Septembre 2013
29.09.13 21:20h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4429976)
29.09.13 21:20h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4429976)
29.09.13 21:23h  new_member  Deleted (6487714)
29.09.13 21:25h  new_member  Deleted (4546743)
29.09.13 21:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (5709127)
07.10.13 19:12h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - #4 Octobre 2013
07.10.13 19:24h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - #4 Octobre 2013
09.10.13 00:03h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #358 / Qualifier EPS #9
09.10.13 00:06h  wanna_join_league  FR ASUS Republic of Gamers ASUS RoG Tournament 2013 Qualifier #1
09.10.13 00:06h  wanna_join_league  FR ASUS Republic of Gamers ASUS RoG Tournament 2013 Qualifier #2
09.10.13 00:09h  wanna_join_league  BNL League of Legends 5on5 GoBNL4LoL #74 (09/10)
09.10.13 00:12h  join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #163 (Sun 13.10.13)
09.10.13 13:39h  join_league  FR ASUS Republic of Gamers Tournament 2013 Qualifier #1
09.10.13 13:40h  join_league  FR ASUS Republic of Gamers Tournament 2013 Qualifier #2
09.10.13 16:44h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #358 / Qualifier EPS #9
14.10.13 16:47h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - #7 Octobre 2013 - 100 €
14.10.13 16:48h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - #8 Octobre 2013
14.10.13 16:48h  wanna_join_league  FR ASUS Republic of Gamers Tournament 2013 Qualifier #3
14.10.13 18:06h  join_league  FR ASUS Republic of Gamers Tournament 2013 Qualifier #3
14.10.13 18:56h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - #7 Octobre 2013 - 100 €
14.10.13 19:08h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - #8 Octobre 2013
21.10.13 19:55h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 Cup #363 - 100 € à gagner
21.10.13 20:30h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 Cup #363 - 100 € à gagner
23.11.13 19:05h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #376 / 250 € de RP
23.11.13 19:08h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #376 / 250 € de RP
26.11.13 08:27h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
26.11.13 09:08h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
30.11.13 18:01h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #379 / 250 € de RP
30.11.13 18:17h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #379 / 250 € de RP
11.01.14 19:46h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #393 / 250 € RP
11.01.14 20:31h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #393 / 250 € RP
12.01.14 08:33h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
18.01.14 16:21h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #396 / 250 € RP
18.01.14 19:59h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #396 / 250 € RP
18.01.14 20:03h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4367253)
27.01.14 17:34h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #400 / 100 € + 250 € RP
27.01.14 18:20h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #400 / 100 € + 250 € RP
27.01.14 21:08h  new_member  Deleted (6160261)
01.02.14 17:35h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #402 / 250 € RP
01.02.14 20:37h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #402 / 250 € RP
01.02.14 21:03h  new_member  Deleted (5749341)
03.02.14 20:15h  wanna_join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #403 / 100 € + 250 € RP
03.02.14 20:16h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #403 / 100 € + 250 € RP
07.04.14 16:53h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #430 / 100 € + 250 € RP
10.04.14 12:30h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #431 / 250 € RP
14.07.14 08:13h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
11.10.14 18:17h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #510 / 40 000 RP
11.10.14 20:16h  new_member  Deleted (4179474)
11.10.14 20:44h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4367253)
11.10.14 20:44h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4367253)
11.10.14 20:44h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4367253)
11.10.14 20:45h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #510 / 40 000 RP
11.10.14 21:00h  new_member  Deleted (4179474)
13.10.14 19:46h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #511 / 100 € + 40 000 RP
13.10.14 20:37h  join_league  FR League of Legends GoFr4LoL 5on5 - Cup #511 / 100 € + 40 000 RP
13.10.14 21:10h  new_member  Deleted (7852716)
14.10.14 08:18h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
21.09.15 09:59h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
12.11.16 19:38h  leave_member  Deleted (4249163)
11.11.18 20:57h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
12.11.18 21:12h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
13.11.18 13:57h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
22.11.18 18:12h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
15.12.18 22:22h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
10.01.19 23:34h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
05.03.19 07:30h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
25.10.19 17:05h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
15.12.19 12:15h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
04.04.23 14:06h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)