History BANG! 3on3
created action
03.01.14 13:24h  register_team  Deleted (7909988)
03.01.14 13:30h  set_parent  Noobs but not Too
04.01.14 10:01h  new_member  Deleted (7968007)
07.01.14 21:38h  new_member  Deleted (7938347)
08.01.14 14:52h  new_member  Deleted (8120218)
09.01.14 17:35h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks Winter League 2014 3on3 TierVI
09.01.14 18:28h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks Winter League 2014 3on3 TierVI
10.01.14 02:52h  new_member  Deleted (8108999)
18.01.14 08:15h  new_member  Deleted (8077606)
20.01.14 19:43h  new_member  Deleted (7943409)
23.01.14 12:47h  new_member  vasquiz (8084527)
25.01.14 07:57h  new_member  Deleted (7666792)
31.01.14 19:12h  new_member  Deleted (7301273)
01.02.14 01:37h  new_member  Deleted (7912071)
10.02.14 19:47h  new_member  Deleted (7919445)
13.02.14 21:19h  leave_member  Deleted (7912071)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
08.04.14 08:45h  change_name  Noobs but not Too: GG Gino
08.04.14 08:46h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks Spring League 2014 3on3 Tier VIII
08.04.14 09:22h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks Spring League 2014 3on3 Tier VIII
10.04.14 21:30h  new_member  Deleted (7912071)
15.04.14 21:21h  new_member  Deleted (8108317)
20.04.14 10:07h  wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Easter Cup 2014
20.04.14 13:48h  join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Easter Cup 2014
28.04.14 20:58h  new_member  ZeTProF (8351497)
22.06.14 12:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
22.06.14 12:39h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
22.06.14 12:44h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Tier VIII Groupstage
22.06.14 13:00h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Tier VIII Groupstage
22.06.14 13:04h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
02.07.14 09:43h  new_member  Deleted (7919445)
05.07.14 08:12h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
11.07.14 09:28h  wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Funcup #101
11.07.14 20:24h  join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Funcup #101
16.07.14 12:06h  new_member  Gandos (8299217)
16.07.14 20:47h  wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Funcup #102
17.07.14 04:30h  join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Funcup #102
24.07.14 08:06h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
26.07.14 17:33h  wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Funcup #103
26.07.14 20:22h  join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 Funcup #103
27.07.14 18:27h  wanna_join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Series
27.07.14 18:53h  join_league  Europe World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Series
01.10.14 22:40h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #1
01.10.14 22:53h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #1
03.10.14 18:27h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.10.14 18:28h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.10.14 18:31h  new_member  Deleted (8108317)
06.10.14 21:09h  new_member  Deleted (8168721)
14.10.14 20:10h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #2
14.10.14 20:23h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #2
28.10.14 06:01h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #4
28.10.14 12:00h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #4
07.11.14 18:47h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.11.14 18:50h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #5
07.11.14 19:24h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #5
07.11.14 20:35h  new_member  ZeTProF (8351497)
07.11.14 20:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.11.14 20:36h  new_member  Deleted (8064989)
07.11.14 20:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.11.14 20:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.11.14 20:47h  new_member  Deleted (8186942)
07.11.14 20:47h  new_member  Deleted (8505990)
08.11.14 08:07h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #6
08.11.14 14:35h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #6
12.11.14 07:11h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #7
12.11.14 14:36h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #7
24.11.14 20:50h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
24.11.14 20:51h  wanna_join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #8
24.11.14 20:54h  join_league  ITA World of Tanks 3on3 Autumn 2014 Cup #8
02.12.14 07:58h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #4
02.12.14 12:22h  join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #4
04.12.14 07:01h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Rookie Europe WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #4
04.12.14 11:04h  join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Rookie Europe WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #4
04.12.14 18:17h  new_member  Deleted (8168721)
05.12.14 14:11h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #5
05.12.14 15:08h  join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #5
11.12.14 17:25h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Rookie Europe WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #5
11.12.14 17:49h  join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Rookie Europe WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #5
04.01.15 08:59h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
05.01.15 17:07h  leave_member  ZeTProF (8351497)
20.01.15 16:09h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #11
20.01.15 16:36h  join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #11
20.01.15 17:48h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #11
20.01.15 17:51h  join_league  ESL Play World of Tanks Europe Open 3on3 Ace Europe WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #11
26.02.15 16:36h  change_name  Noobs but not Too: nabbONI
26.02.15 16:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
26.02.15 16:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
26.02.15 16:47h  new_member  Deleted (8173377)
26.02.15 16:48h  new_member  Deleted (8035122)
26.02.15 16:50h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #15
26.02.15 16:51h  new_member  Deleted (5714019)
26.02.15 17:07h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #15
26.02.15 18:08h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
26.02.15 18:10h  new_member  Deleted (7913501)
26.02.15 18:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
26.02.15 18:37h  new_member  Deleted (8179654)
03.03.15 14:48h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #16
03.03.15 15:01h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #16
03.03.15 15:58h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.03.15 16:02h  new_member  Deleted (7919445)
03.03.15 17:47h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.03.15 17:52h  new_member  Deleted (8174054)
03.03.15 18:20h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.03.15 18:25h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.03.15 18:28h  new_member  Deleted (8173377)
03.03.15 18:28h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
04.03.15 08:19h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #16
04.03.15 10:39h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #16
10.03.15 02:36h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #17
10.03.15 06:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #17
12.03.15 09:26h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 BAPI Test Cup #1 Europe
12.03.15 11:46h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 BAPI Test Cup #1 Europe
12.03.15 17:40h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #17
12.03.15 17:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #17
12.03.15 17:48h  change_name  Noobs but not Too: I nabbONI
13.03.15 09:08h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
13.03.15 22:47h  new_member  Deleted (7912071)
17.03.15 06:56h  set_parent  Noobs but not Too
17.03.15 17:45h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #18
17.03.15 17:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #18
18.03.15 00:47h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #18
18.03.15 01:07h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #18
23.03.15 05:20h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Spritz Cup #1 Italy
23.03.15 12:52h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Spritz Cup #1 Italy
24.03.15 17:02h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #19
24.03.15 17:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #19
25.03.15 08:16h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #19
25.03.15 09:11h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #19
28.03.15 14:19h  new_member  Deleted (7133686)
29.03.15 08:40h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
31.03.15 17:09h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #20
31.03.15 17:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #20
03.04.15 19:36h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #21
08.04.15 12:13h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #21
08.04.15 12:15h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #21
10.04.15 19:35h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #22
10.04.15 20:09h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #22
16.04.15 17:49h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #22
16.04.15 17:58h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #22
21.04.15 15:41h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #23
21.04.15 19:46h  delete_parent  Noobs but not Too
21.04.15 19:51h  set_parent  Noobs but not Too
21.04.15 19:53h  set_parent  Noobs but not Too: NBNT
28.04.15 09:40h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #24
07.07.15 17:25h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.07.15 17:26h  new_member  Deleted (8820884)
07.07.15 17:27h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #32
07.07.15 17:49h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #32
07.07.15 18:30h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.07.15 18:33h  new_member  Deleted (8616030)
09.07.15 07:16h  leave_member  Deleted (8820884)
10.07.15 21:02h  new_member  Deleted (4200434)
10.07.15 21:04h  leave_member  Deleted (4200434)
21.07.15 11:34h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #34
21.07.15 17:46h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #34
21.07.15 17:56h  new_member  Deleted (9059524)
23.07.15 17:45h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
23.07.15 17:45h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #34
23.07.15 17:49h  new_member  Deleted (8943769)
23.07.15 17:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Rookie Europe Cup #34
23.07.15 17:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
23.07.15 17:59h  new_member  Deleted (9074294)
23.07.15 20:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
23.07.15 20:59h  new_member  Deleted (8957135)
04.08.15 17:52h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #36
04.08.15 17:52h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
04.08.15 17:53h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
04.08.15 17:53h  new_member  Deleted (7133686)
04.08.15 17:54h  new_member  Deleted (8623666)
29.09.15 17:55h  leave_member  Deleted (8173377)
03.12.15 16:19h  change_name  BANG !
03.12.15 17:41h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #51
03.12.15 17:42h  change_name  BANG ! 3on3
03.12.15 17:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
03.12.15 17:43h  new_member  Deleted (9533786)
03.12.15 17:44h  new_member  Deleted (8324692)
04.12.15 07:43h  change_name  BANG! 3on3
04.12.15 09:14h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
10.12.15 17:42h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #52
10.12.15 17:46h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
10.12.15 17:47h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
10.12.15 17:49h  new_member  Deleted (7984015)
10.12.15 17:52h  new_member  Deleted (7770653)
10.12.15 18:02h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
10.12.15 18:03h  new_member  Deleted (8943769)
11.12.15 09:19h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
17.12.15 17:50h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Cup #53 Europe
17.12.15 18:08h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
17.12.15 18:10h  new_member  Deleted (9533786)
04.01.16 09:07h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
07.01.16 17:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Cup #56 Europe
07.01.16 17:47h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
07.01.16 17:48h  new_member  Deleted (7133686)
21.01.16 16:54h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
21.01.16 16:56h  new_member  ZeTProF (8351497)
21.01.16 16:56h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
21.01.16 16:58h  new_member  Deleted (8616030)
21.01.16 17:07h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
21.01.16 17:16h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 3on3 Ace Europe Cup #58
21.01.16 17:42h  new_member  Deleted (7984015)
21.01.16 18:09h  kick_member  / by Deleted (7909988)
21.01.16 18:10h  new_member  Deleted (9747249)
28.01.16 17:52h  leave_member  ZeTProF (8351497)
09.02.16 19:14h  new_child  Serpe
09.02.16 19:15h  new_child  Serpe
09.02.16 19:28h  child_leave  Serpe
14.02.16 13:04h  leave_member  Deleted (7909988)
03.04.20 23:23h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
19.02.21 20:05h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
14.04.21 15:15h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)