History crew
created action
28.10.14 21:24h  register_team  Deleted (8593484)
29.10.14 16:59h  new_member  Deleted (8694777)
29.10.14 17:03h  new_member  Deleted (7844339)
01.11.14 17:32h  new_member  Deleted (6457147)
03.11.14 10:19h  new_member  Deleted (8007267)
03.11.14 17:51h  new_member  Deleted (8576777)
03.11.14 17:57h  new_member  Deleted (8010722)
03.11.14 17:58h  new_member  Deleted (8715599)
05.11.14 18:16h  new_member  Deleted (8392542)
05.11.14 20:38h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #2 (08.11.2014 19:00 MSK)
06.11.14 12:31h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #2 (08.11.2014 19:00 MSK)
06.11.14 21:27h  new_member  Deleted (8695057)
08.11.14 19:11h  leave_member  Deleted (8010722)
08.11.14 19:32h  new_member  Deleted (8727689)
09.11.14 22:21h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #115 (11.11.2014 20.00 МСК)
09.11.14 23:28h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #115 (11.11.2014 20.00 МСК)
20.11.14 22:01h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #4 (22.11.2014 19:00 MSK)
21.11.14 08:15h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #4 (22.11.2014 19:00 MSK)
22.11.14 17:06h  new_member  Deleted (7533683)
23.11.14 08:39h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
24.11.14 19:40h  new_member  Deleted (7188799)
24.11.14 19:41h  new_member  Deleted (7799882)
24.11.14 19:41h  new_member  Deleted (8007430)
27.11.14 09:28h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #5 (29.11.2014 19:00 MSK)
27.11.14 10:46h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT November Cup #5 (29.11.2014 19:00 MSK)
30.11.14 08:41h  leave_member  Deleted (7799882)
30.11.14 08:41h  leave_member  Deleted (7799882)
06.12.14 16:27h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #1 (06.12.2014 19:00 MSK)
06.12.14 16:28h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #1 (06.12.2014 19:00 MSK)
06.12.14 16:45h  leave_member  Deleted (7188799)
06.12.14 17:10h  new_member  Deleted (8010722)
06.12.14 17:11h  new_member  Deleted (8764503)
25.12.14 21:50h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #4 (27.12.2014 19:00 MSK)
25.12.14 22:15h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT December Cup #4 (27.12.2014 19:00 MSK)
25.12.14 23:51h  new_member  Deleted (8457376)
28.12.14 18:54h  new_member  Deleted (7799882)
04.01.15 22:02h  new_member  Deleted (6445550)
09.01.15 22:42h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT January Cup #2 (10.01.2015 19:00 MSK)
09.01.15 23:58h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT January Cup #2 (10.01.2015 19:00 MSK)
13.01.15 18:58h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #166 (14.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
13.01.15 20:31h  new_member  Deleted (7581735)
13.01.15 22:13h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #166 (14.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
14.01.15 22:48h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #167 (15.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
14.01.15 23:39h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #167 (15.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
15.01.15 00:33h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT January Cup #3 (17.01.2015 19:00 MSK)
15.01.15 07:15h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT January Cup #3 (17.01.2015 19:00 MSK)
16.01.15 21:22h  new_member  Deleted (8624787)
18.01.15 16:35h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #169 (18.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
18.01.15 16:42h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #169 (18.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
19.01.15 18:15h  new_member  Deleted (7362354)
20.01.15 10:21h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #171 (20.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
20.01.15 11:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #171 (20.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
22.01.15 21:58h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #174 (23.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
23.01.15 08:44h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #174 (23.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
23.01.15 19:06h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT January Cup #4 (24.01.2015 19:00 MSK)
23.01.15 20:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT January Cup #4 (24.01.2015 19:00 MSK)
26.01.15 16:27h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #176 (26.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
26.01.15 16:28h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #176 (26.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
26.01.15 16:31h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #177 (27.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
26.01.15 16:37h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #177 (27.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
28.01.15 12:21h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #178 (28.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
28.01.15 14:14h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #178 (28.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
28.01.15 17:53h  new_member  Deleted (8833979)
28.01.15 17:55h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
28.01.15 17:55h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
28.01.15 17:55h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
28.01.15 17:55h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
28.01.15 17:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
28.01.15 17:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
28.01.15 17:58h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
29.01.15 16:19h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #179 (29.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
29.01.15 16:37h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #179 (29.01.2015 20.00 МСК)
31.01.15 14:59h  leave_member  Deleted (8833979)
01.02.15 20:45h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #182 (02.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
01.02.15 23:03h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #182 (02.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
03.02.15 19:55h  new_member  Deleted (8068818)
05.02.15 16:03h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #185 (05.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
05.02.15 16:14h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #185 (05.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
12.02.15 20:17h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #192 (13.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
12.02.15 20:23h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #192 (13.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
13.02.15 18:20h  new_member  Deleted (8357927)
14.02.15 16:18h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT February Cup #2 (14.02.2015 19:00 MSK)
14.02.15 16:20h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT February Cup #2 (14.02.2015 19:00 MSK)
14.02.15 16:47h  new_member  Deleted (8630665)
15.02.15 09:15h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
18.02.15 21:07h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #197 (19.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
18.02.15 21:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #197 (19.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
18.02.15 21:40h  new_member  Deleted (7619721)
19.02.15 17:26h  new_member  Deleted (8460253)
19.02.15 23:30h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #198 (20.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
20.02.15 07:39h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #198 (20.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
20.02.15 08:54h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
20.02.15 18:00h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
23.02.15 23:41h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #201 (24.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
24.02.15 03:14h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #201 (24.02.2015 20.00 МСК)
03.03.15 23:16h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #208 (04.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
04.03.15 08:12h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #208 (04.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
06.03.15 18:48h  new_member  Deleted (7724879)
11.03.15 08:12h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #214 (11.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
11.03.15 09:30h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #214 (11.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
11.03.15 17:08h  new_member  Deleted (8198351)
12.03.15 11:47h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #215 (12.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
12.03.15 11:51h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #215 (12.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
12.03.15 15:20h  leave_member  Deleted (8630665)
13.03.15 22:08h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
13.03.15 22:08h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
13.03.15 22:09h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
13.03.15 22:10h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
13.03.15 22:10h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
13.03.15 22:10h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT March Cup #2 (14.03.2015 19:00 MSK)
13.03.15 22:11h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT March Cup #2 (14.03.2015 19:00 MSK)
14.03.15 16:21h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8593484)
16.03.15 09:51h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #218 (16.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
16.03.15 10:57h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #218 (16.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
19.03.15 20:28h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Fun Cup #118 ( 20.03.15 20:00 МСК)
19.03.15 21:30h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 3on3 ESL Fun Cup #118 ( 20.03.15 20:00 МСК)
20.03.15 21:56h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT March Cup #3 (21.03.2015 19:00 MSK)
20.03.15 22:10h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT March Cup #3 (21.03.2015 19:00 MSK)
23.03.15 16:39h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #224 (23.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
23.03.15 16:40h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #224 (23.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
24.03.15 13:30h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #225 (24.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
24.03.15 13:55h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #225 (24.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
25.03.15 16:57h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #226 (25.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
25.03.15 17:03h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #226 (25.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
26.03.15 09:00h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
28.03.15 15:05h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT March Cup #4 (28.03.2015 19:00 MSK)
28.03.15 15:11h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks GoCIS4WoT March Cup #4 (28.03.2015 19:00 MSK)
30.03.15 17:22h  wanna_join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #230 (30.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
30.03.15 17:22h  join_league  CIS World of Tanks 7on7 ESL Golden Format Cup #230 (30.03.2015 20.00 МСК)
31.03.15 08:46h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
14.04.15 17:50h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Golden Format Cup #243 CIS
14.04.15 17:53h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Golden Format Cup #243 CIS
14.04.15 18:40h  new_member  Deleted (8007430)
14.04.15 18:53h  new_member  Deleted (8608026)
28.04.15 16:35h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Golden Format Cup #251 CIS
28.04.15 17:26h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Golden Format Cup #251 CIS
29.04.15 08:52h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
18.06.15 19:31h  leave_member  Deleted (7724879)
02.08.15 20:08h  leave_member  Deleted (8198351)
28.08.15 21:00h  leave_member  Deleted (8007267)
20.10.15 14:11h  leave_member  Deleted (8392542)
29.10.15 09:35h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
28.10.16 07:31h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
15.06.19 19:09h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
29.07.19 09:14h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
27.08.19 23:52h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
02.09.19 14:08h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
02.10.19 17:05h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
17.10.19 21:35h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
07.11.19 18:50h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
12.08.20 12:18h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
27.12.20 17:58h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
16.09.22 16:40h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)