History Team ALTERNATE
created action
29.10.14 19:11h  register_team  Gucio (3197557)
29.10.14 19:14h  new_member  Deleted (5897211)
29.10.14 19:14h  new_member  Deleted (3476298)
29.10.14 19:22h  new_member  Deleted (4352381)
29.10.14 19:28h  new_member  Deleted (8695163)
29.10.14 19:28h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Community Cup #6 Europe
29.10.14 19:38h  new_member  Deleted (7324484)
29.10.14 19:38h  new_member  Deleted (4908577)
29.10.14 19:39h  leave_member  Deleted (8695163)
29.10.14 19:44h  leave_member  Deleted (4908577)
29.10.14 20:10h  new_member  Deleted (8089421)
29.10.14 20:24h  new_member  Deleted (7794674)
01.11.14 18:26h  new_member  Deleted (4908577)
01.11.14 18:27h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Community Cup #7 Europe
01.11.14 18:28h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Heroes of the Storm Open the Nexus #1 by moreHeroes
05.11.14 11:56h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Community Cup #8 Europe
06.11.14 08:14h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
09.11.14 18:43h  change_name  HotS.ALTERNATE
11.11.14 16:55h  change_name  ALTERNATE.HotS
11.11.14 18:48h  leave_member  Deleted (7324484)
28.11.14 19:28h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Major Go4Heroes Europe Go4Heroes Europe Cup #1
04.12.14 20:47h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Open Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Community Cup #18 Europe
14.12.14 15:49h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Major Go4Heroes Europe Go4Heroes Europe Cup #2
14.12.14 15:55h  new_member  Deleted (8766322)
15.12.14 17:46h  new_member  o L L 1 (2025805)
15.12.14 21:51h  change_name  Team ALTERNATE
21.12.14 16:15h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Major Go4Heroes Europe Go4Heroes Europe Cup #3
27.12.14 02:15h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Open ESL Christmas Cup by moreHeroes
27.12.14 02:16h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Major Go4Heroes Europe Go4Heroes Europe Cup #4
27.12.14 16:47h  new_member  Krequ (7774183)
29.12.14 08:37h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
04.01.15 13:35h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4908577)
04.01.15 13:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4908577)
04.01.15 13:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4908577)
04.01.15 13:36h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Major Go4Heroes Europe Go4Heroes Europe Cup #5
04.01.15 14:43h  new_member  Rimejk (8799722)
06.01.15 00:56h  leave_member  Deleted (3476298)
07.01.15 01:55h  leave_member  Krequ (7774183)
28.01.15 17:28h  leave_member  Deleted (8766322)
28.01.15 21:00h  new_member  Deleted (5897211)
28.01.15 21:06h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Europe Heroes Major Go4Heroes Europe Go4Heroes Europe Cup #9
28.01.15 21:09h  wanna_join_league  POL Heroes of the Storm 5on5 IEM Ticket Challenge #1
28.01.15 21:49h  join_league  POL Heroes of the Storm 5on5 IEM Ticket Challenge #1
01.02.15 17:04h  new_member  Deleted (3476298)
02.02.15 17:43h  new_member  Deleted (659766)
03.02.15 16:33h  leave_member  Deleted (3476298)
04.02.15 09:14h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
07.02.15 13:52h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Open the Nexus #2 by moreHeroes
07.02.15 14:44h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm Open the Nexus #2 by moreHeroes
15.02.15 13:11h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #11
15.02.15 13:48h  new_member  Ardren (1185728)
15.02.15 13:49h  new_member  Deleted (3284173)
15.02.15 14:28h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4908577)
15.02.15 14:30h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4908577)
15.02.15 14:33h  kick_member  / by Deleted (4908577)
15.02.15 15:18h  new_member  Deleted (3476298)
15.02.15 16:43h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #11
16.02.15 21:47h  leave_member  o L L 1 (2025805)
18.02.15 22:51h  wanna_join_league  POL Heroes of the Storm 5on5 IEM Ticket Challenge #2
19.02.15 21:29h  join_league  POL Heroes of the Storm 5on5 IEM Ticket Challenge #2
21.02.15 13:51h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #12
26.02.15 23:33h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #13
26.02.15 23:34h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Open the Nexus #3
08.03.15 15:33h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #14
08.03.15 16:42h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #14
09.03.15 09:21h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
22.03.15 14:37h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #16
28.03.15 18:26h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #17
04.04.15 17:17h  new_member  Gucio (3197557)
09.04.15 23:34h  leave_member  Deleted (4908577)
12.04.15 14:39h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #19
13.04.15 08:45h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
14.04.15 13:35h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Open The Nexus #4
15.04.15 18:47h  join_league  ESL Play Heroes of the Storm 5on5 Open The Nexus #4
19.04.15 15:11h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #20
19.04.15 16:08h  new_member  nande (5898937)
19.04.15 16:19h  new_member  Deleted (5435738)
19.04.15 16:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (3476298)
19.04.15 16:42h  kick_member  / by Deleted (3476298)
26.04.15 15:34h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #21
30.04.15 08:52h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
03.05.15 16:03h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #22
03.05.15 16:45h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #22
24.05.15 14:26h  join_league  ESL Play Go4Heroes Europe Cup #25
29.05.15 23:55h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play MGA 2015 HotS Europe, Middle East, Africa Qualifier
30.05.15 14:22h  join_league  ESL Play MGA 2015 HotS Europe, Middle East, Africa Qualifier
12.07.15 16:37h  leave_member  nande (5898937)
12.07.15 16:38h  leave_member  nande (5898937)
26.07.15 16:31h  leave_member  Deleted (5435738)
26.08.15 23:45h  leave_member  Deleted (7794674)
30.10.15 09:30h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
01.01.16 16:12h  leave_member  Deleted (659766)
29.10.16 07:31h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
16.07.19 16:57h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
01.01.21 05:13h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
30.01.25 05:59h  kick_member  Gucio / by Daemon (3)