History Fusion
created action
14.06.15 16:34h  register_team  Deleted (6440484)
14.06.15 16:49h  new_member  Deleted (8125500)
14.06.15 16:54h  new_member  szarcsi (8215779)
14.06.15 16:55h  new_member  Deleted (3495871)
14.06.15 16:57h  new_member  kzbo (7472800)
14.06.15 17:09h  new_member  Deleted (7422788)
14.06.15 18:02h  new_member  Mate (8469649)
14.06.15 18:07h  new_member  Deleted (8269322)
14.06.15 19:42h  new_member  SirFeco (9003730)
16.06.15 23:08h  new_member  Deleted (7446935)
19.06.15 19:22h  join_league  ESL Play Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
20.06.15 17:37h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #46 Hungary
20.06.15 20:40h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #46 Hungary
20.06.15 21:54h  new_member  Deleted (7694909)
20.06.15 22:43h  new_member  Deleted (7406597)
20.06.15 23:11h  new_member  Deleted (7640746)
21.06.15 12:58h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #220
27.06.15 15:06h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #221
28.06.15 22:06h  new_member  Deleted (6435151)
02.07.15 09:34h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #47 Hungary
02.07.15 09:49h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #47 Hungary
05.07.15 11:35h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #222
05.07.15 14:26h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #222
06.07.15 09:05h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
12.07.15 09:58h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #223
15.07.15 19:52h  new_member  Deleted (6246740)
19.07.15 09:58h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #48 Hungary
19.07.15 09:59h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #224
19.07.15 10:03h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #48 Hungary
19.07.15 13:17h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6440484)
19.07.15 18:21h  new_member  Deleted (8981171)
25.07.15 22:58h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #225
26.07.15 13:53h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #225
31.07.15 12:43h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #49 Hungary
31.07.15 12:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #49 Hungary
31.07.15 16:17h  kicked_from_league  ESL Play Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
31.07.15 16:18h  join_league  Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
01.08.15 14:57h  kick_member  / by FoaMeA (2479001)
01.08.15 14:57h  kick_member  / by FoaMeA (2479001)
01.08.15 14:57h  kick_member  / by FoaMeA (2479001)
02.08.15 11:41h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #226
08.08.15 12:14h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #50 Hungary
08.08.15 12:14h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #227
08.08.15 12:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #50 Hungary
10.08.15 09:23h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
14.08.15 17:33h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #228
16.08.15 16:02h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #51 Hungary
16.08.15 16:49h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #51 Hungary
21.08.15 11:43h  kicked_from_league  ESL Play Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
21.08.15 11:47h  join_league  Wargaming.net League Europe Bronze Series
23.08.15 01:42h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #52 Hungary
23.08.15 01:42h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #229
23.08.15 12:24h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #52 Hungary
23.08.15 13:55h  new_member  Deleted (7632094)
28.08.15 22:45h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #230
30.08.15 13:38h  new_member  Deleted (7694909)
30.08.15 18:53h  leave_member  Deleted (7632094)
04.09.15 20:36h  new_member  Deleted (9224898)
04.09.15 22:21h  leave_member  Deleted (9224898)
06.09.15 13:36h  leave_member  Mate (8469649)
06.09.15 16:02h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #53 Hungary
06.09.15 16:21h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #53 Hungary
13.09.15 13:00h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #232
13.09.15 13:00h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #54 Hungary
13.09.15 13:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #54 Hungary
13.09.15 14:20h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6440484)
27.09.15 10:43h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #234
29.09.15 22:07h  leave_member  Deleted (8269322)
30.09.15 00:07h  new_member  Samu (7189537)
02.10.15 18:04h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #57 Hungary
02.10.15 18:10h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #57 Hungary
02.10.15 19:06h  new_member  Deleted (9224889)
02.10.15 19:09h  new_member  Deleted (9224898)
02.10.15 23:37h  leave_member  Deleted (9224898)
02.10.15 23:42h  leave_member  Deleted (9224889)
04.10.15 13:18h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #235
11.10.15 11:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #236
16.10.15 17:49h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #59 Hungary
16.10.15 17:49h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #59 Hungary
17.10.15 23:18h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #237
18.10.15 14:45h  new_member  Deleted (8269322)
22.10.15 22:05h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #60 Hungary
22.10.15 22:08h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #60 Hungary
25.10.15 14:14h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #238
01.11.15 11:38h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #239
01.11.15 16:34h  new_member  Deleted (8737124)
01.11.15 16:35h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Gold Cup Series #1 Hungary
01.11.15 17:07h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Gold Cup Series #1 Hungary
02.11.15 18:54h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #4 Europe
05.11.15 08:50h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
05.11.15 09:11h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
06.11.15 17:42h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #61 Hungary
06.11.15 17:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #61 Hungary
07.11.15 12:40h  leave_member  Deleted (8269322)
07.11.15 15:06h  new_member  Deleted (9224898)
07.11.15 15:09h  new_member  Deleted (9224889)
07.11.15 18:43h  leave_member  Deleted (9224889)
07.11.15 18:43h  leave_member  Deleted (9224889)
07.11.15 18:47h  leave_member  Deleted (9224898)
08.11.15 13:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #240
13.11.15 17:13h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #62 Hungary
13.11.15 19:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #62 Hungary
14.11.15 22:54h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #241
21.11.15 13:31h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #63 Hungary
21.11.15 14:19h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #63 Hungary
22.11.15 09:56h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #242
23.11.15 09:00h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
28.11.15 12:42h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #64 Hungary
28.11.15 14:54h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #64 Hungary
29.11.15 14:47h  new_member  Deleted (8299295)
29.11.15 14:54h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #243
04.12.15 19:57h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #65 Hungary
04.12.15 21:32h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #65 Hungary
06.12.15 14:10h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #244
12.12.15 13:17h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #66 Hungary
12.12.15 14:01h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #66 Hungary
13.12.15 13:39h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #245
13.12.15 14:51h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #245
14.12.15 09:11h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
17.12.15 19:23h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #67 Hungary
17.12.15 19:56h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #67 Hungary
19.12.15 15:23h  new_member  Deleted (2078982)
19.12.15 15:27h  new_member  Deleted (7120075)
20.12.15 13:39h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #246
27.12.15 13:47h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #247
02.01.16 14:38h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #68 Hungary
02.01.16 14:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #68 Hungary
02.01.16 18:57h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #68 Hungary
02.01.16 18:57h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #68 Hungary
03.01.16 13:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #248
08.01.16 15:31h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8125500)
08.01.16 15:32h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8125500)
09.01.16 14:48h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #69 Hungary
09.01.16 15:13h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #69 Hungary
10.01.16 11:48h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #249
16.01.16 11:50h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #70 Hungary
16.01.16 14:12h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #70 Hungary
17.01.16 11:42h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #250
18.01.16 16:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #14 Europe
23.01.16 17:01h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #71 Hungary
23.01.16 17:09h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #71 Hungary
24.01.16 11:28h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #251
25.01.16 17:21h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #15 Europe
27.01.16 15:36h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Gold Cup Series #7 Hungary
27.01.16 15:57h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Gold Cup Series #7 Hungary
30.01.16 17:59h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #72 Hungary
30.01.16 18:02h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #72 Hungary
31.01.16 10:40h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #252
01.02.16 15:39h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #16 Europe
06.02.16 18:24h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #73 Hungary
06.02.16 18:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #73 Hungary
07.02.16 10:10h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #253
13.02.16 17:33h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #74 Hungary
13.02.16 17:38h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #74 Hungary
14.02.16 11:15h  change_name  Fusion
14.02.16 14:13h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #254
15.02.16 17:17h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #18 Europe
19.02.16 19:43h  new_member  Deleted (7810310)
21.02.16 13:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #255
24.02.16 07:33h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #75 Hungary
24.02.16 07:38h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Gold Cup Series #9 Hungary
24.02.16 12:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 eSport Cup Series #75 Hungary
24.02.16 12:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Gold Cup Series #9 Hungary
24.02.16 21:04h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Open League Season 1 2016 Europe
28.02.16 15:02h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #256
29.02.16 17:57h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #19 Europe
29.02.16 19:00h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup#1 South East Europe
29.02.16 19:54h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup#1 South East Europe
04.03.16 22:11h  join_league  ESL Play 5on5 Bad Company Cup#1 South East Europe
06.03.16 12:08h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #257
07.03.16 17:01h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #20 Europe
13.03.16 13:35h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #258
13.03.16 15:04h  kick_member  / by Deleted (3495871)
13.03.16 15:09h  kick_member  / by Deleted (3495871)
14.03.16 14:20h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #21 Europe
18.03.16 17:16h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #2 South East Europe
18.03.16 17:30h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #2 South East Europe
21.03.16 18:18h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #22 Europe
25.03.16 17:48h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #3 South East Europe
25.03.16 17:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #3 South East Europe
26.03.16 15:03h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #3 South East Europe
26.03.16 15:05h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #3 South East Europe
27.03.16 00:59h  new_member  Deleted (7803323)
27.03.16 08:56h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_silver"
27.03.16 13:54h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #260
28.03.16 17:08h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #23 Europe
29.03.16 09:47h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_silver"
01.04.16 17:21h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #4 South East Europe
01.04.16 17:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #4 South East Europe
01.04.16 17:47h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #4 South East Europe
01.04.16 17:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #4 South East Europe
02.04.16 11:37h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #261
02.04.16 15:40h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #4 South East Europe
02.04.16 15:44h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #4 South East Europe
04.04.16 18:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #24 Europe
09.04.16 14:47h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #5 South East Europe
09.04.16 14:54h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #5 South East Europe
09.04.16 15:47h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #5 South East Europe
09.04.16 15:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #5 South East Europe
10.04.16 12:26h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #262
16.04.16 14:38h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #6 South East Europe
16.04.16 14:56h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #6 South East Europe
16.04.16 15:44h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #6 South East Europe
16.04.16 15:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #6 South East Europe
17.04.16 13:08h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #263
17.04.16 19:52h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #25 Europe
22.04.16 17:51h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #7 South East Europe
22.04.16 17:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #7 South East Europe
23.04.16 14:44h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #7 South East Europe
23.04.16 14:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #7 South East Europe
24.04.16 11:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #264
06.05.16 16:56h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #9 South East Europe
06.05.16 17:33h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #9 South East Europe
07.05.16 14:17h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #9 South East Europe
07.05.16 14:21h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #9 South East Europe
08.05.16 14:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #266
09.05.16 17:16h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #28 Europe
13.05.16 16:56h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #10 South East Europe
13.05.16 17:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #10 South East Europe
20.05.16 17:22h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #11 South East Europe
20.05.16 17:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #11 South East Europe
21.05.16 11:51h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #11 South East Europe
21.05.16 11:58h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #11 South East Europe
22.05.16 14:15h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #268
23.05.16 18:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #267
05.06.16 12:26h  leave_member  Deleted (8737124)
06.06.16 17:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #31 Europe
13.06.16 18:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #32 Europe
14.06.16 08:05h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
20.06.16 17:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #33 Europe
20.06.16 19:16h  new_member  Deleted (8737124)
24.06.16 17:41h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #15 South East Europe
24.06.16 17:50h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #15 South East Europe
01.07.16 17:51h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #16 South East Europe
01.07.16 17:54h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #16 South East Europe
02.07.16 13:52h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #16 South East Europe
02.07.16 14:00h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #16 South East Europe
03.07.16 14:18h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #274
04.07.16 16:50h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #35 Europe
08.07.16 17:24h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #17 South East Europe
08.07.16 17:24h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #17 South East Europe
09.07.16 14:42h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #17 South East Europe
09.07.16 14:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #17 South East Europe
10.07.16 13:32h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #275
11.07.16 17:16h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #36 Europe
17.07.16 13:15h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #276
22.07.16 16:13h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #19 South East Europe
22.07.16 16:24h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #19 South East Europe
23.07.16 10:56h  join_league  ESL Play WGL Open Qualifier Season 1 2016/2017
24.07.16 14:48h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #277
25.07.16 17:27h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #37 Europe
29.07.16 17:46h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #20 South East Europe
29.07.16 17:49h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #20 South East Europe
30.07.16 15:03h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #20 South East Europe
30.07.16 15:15h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #20 South East Europe
31.07.16 13:44h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #278
31.07.16 14:40h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #278
31.07.16 14:52h  new_member  Deleted (9962152)
01.08.16 16:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #38 Europe
01.08.16 21:47h  new_member  lutyo99 (7897670)
05.08.16 17:27h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #21 South East Europe
05.08.16 17:27h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #21 South East Europe
06.08.16 09:25h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #21 South East Europe
06.08.16 12:19h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #21 South East Europe
07.08.16 12:46h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #279
07.08.16 14:40h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #279
08.08.16 18:15h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #39 Europe
08.08.16 18:32h  new_member  Deleted (8995279)
08.08.16 18:52h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #39 Europe
12.08.16 17:42h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #22 South East Europe
12.08.16 17:42h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #22 South East Europe
13.08.16 07:35h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_silver"
13.08.16 23:46h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #280
14.08.16 21:26h  join_league  Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
15.08.16 18:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #40 Europe
15.08.16 23:50h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6440484)
16.08.16 18:48h  kick_member  / by hAVE (8920126)
16.08.16 18:49h  kick_member  / by hAVE (8920126)
16.08.16 18:49h  kick_member  / by hAVE (8920126)
19.08.16 16:18h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #23 South East Europe
19.08.16 16:24h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #23 South East Europe
19.08.16 17:55h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #23 South East Europe
19.08.16 17:59h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #23 South East Europe
19.08.16 23:16h  kicked_from_league  ESL Play Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
21.08.16 13:19h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #281
22.08.16 16:26h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #41 Europe
23.08.16 20:21h  new_member  Deleted (8995279)
26.08.16 12:30h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #24 South East Europe
26.08.16 15:05h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #24 South East Europe
27.08.16 10:43h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #24 South East Europe
27.08.16 11:06h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #24 South East Europe
27.08.16 15:52h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #24 South East Europe
27.08.16 15:53h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #24 South East Europe
28.08.16 14:29h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #282
28.08.16 14:52h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #282
29.08.16 11:27h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #42 Europe
30.08.16 07:29h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_gold"
04.09.16 13:09h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #283
04.09.16 14:44h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #283
10.09.16 14:54h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #25 South East Europe
10.09.16 14:55h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #25 South East Europe
11.09.16 12:29h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #284
11.09.16 14:44h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #284
12.09.16 12:00h  join_league  Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
13.09.16 17:13h  kick_member  / by embirrim (6698386)
14.09.16 20:07h  kick_member  / by Deleted (6440484)
16.09.16 15:10h  new_member  Deleted (8995279)
16.09.16 15:25h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #26 South East Europe
16.09.16 17:30h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #26 South East Europe
17.09.16 13:52h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #26 South East Europe
17.09.16 14:26h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #26 South East Europe
18.09.16 13:32h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #285
18.09.16 14:45h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #285
19.09.16 17:12h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #45 Europe
23.09.16 17:15h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #27 South East Europe
23.09.16 17:17h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #27 South East Europe
24.09.16 13:06h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #27 South East Europe
24.09.16 13:26h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #27 South East Europe
24.09.16 15:42h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #27 South East Europe
24.09.16 15:47h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #27 South East Europe
24.09.16 17:18h  kicked_from_league  ESL Play Wargaming.net League Europe Silver Series
25.09.16 10:41h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #286
25.09.16 14:49h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #286
26.09.16 18:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #46 Europe
26.09.16 18:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #46 Europe
29.09.16 10:12h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #28 South East Europe
29.09.16 10:12h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #28 South East Europe
29.09.16 11:15h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #28 South East Europe
29.09.16 11:15h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #28 South East Europe
01.10.16 19:27h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Open League Stage 1 Season 2 2016 Europe
02.10.16 11:08h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #287
03.10.16 07:43h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_gold"
03.10.16 18:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #47 Europe
06.10.16 21:48h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #29 South East Europe
06.10.16 21:48h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #29 South East Europe
06.10.16 22:37h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #29 South East Europe
06.10.16 22:38h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #29 South East Europe
09.10.16 13:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #288
10.10.16 18:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #48 Europe
14.10.16 17:58h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Bad Company Cup #30 South East Europe
14.10.16 21:34h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #30 South East Europe
14.10.16 23:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #30 South East Europe
15.10.16 07:29h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_gold"
15.10.16 23:35h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #289
20.10.16 00:06h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #290
22.10.16 15:19h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #31 South East Europe
22.10.16 15:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #31 South East Europe
24.10.16 17:04h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #49 Europe
25.10.16 00:19h  join_league  ESL Play WGL Wildcard Season 1 2016/2017
28.10.16 20:40h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 Major League Qualifier Season 2 2016 Europe
29.10.16 13:45h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #32 South East Europe
29.10.16 14:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #32 South East Europe
29.10.16 15:31h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #291
29.10.16 15:50h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #32 South East Europe
29.10.16 15:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #32 South East Europe
30.10.16 14:49h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #291
31.10.16 18:20h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #50 Europe
04.11.16 02:06h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #33 South East Europe
04.11.16 02:07h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #292
04.11.16 06:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #33 South East Europe
07.11.16 16:35h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #51 Europe
12.11.16 11:18h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #34 South East Europe
12.11.16 11:52h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #34 South East Europe
19.11.16 13:52h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #35 South East Europe
19.11.16 13:54h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #35 South East Europe
19.11.16 15:41h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #35 South East Europe
19.11.16 15:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #35 South East Europe
20.11.16 13:22h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #294
20.11.16 14:40h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #294
26.11.16 15:59h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #36 South East Europe
26.11.16 15:59h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #36 South East Europe
27.11.16 14:23h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #295
08.12.16 23:30h  leave_member  Deleted (8737124)
09.12.16 02:36h  leave_member  Samu (7189537)
15.12.16 16:22h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #39 South East Europe
15.12.16 19:51h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #39 South East Europe
18.12.16 12:39h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #298
18.12.16 17:11h  new_member  Deleted (9997163)
25.12.16 20:12h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #300
28.12.16 12:36h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #40 South East Europe
28.12.16 17:40h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #40 South East Europe
01.01.17 11:04h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #57 Europe
03.01.17 18:45h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #41 South East Europe
03.01.17 19:01h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #41 South East Europe
08.01.17 12:34h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #58 Europe
13.01.17 16:21h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #42 South East Europe
13.01.17 16:46h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #59 Europe
13.01.17 18:16h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #42 South East Europe
14.01.17 10:15h  new_member  Deleted (8737124)
15.01.17 14:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #301
16.01.17 20:15h  join_league  ESL Play WGLEU Silver Series Season 2 Qualifier #1
16.01.17 20:19h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #302
16.01.17 21:41h  kick_member  / by Deleted (8125500)
21.01.17 15:43h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #43 South East Europe
21.01.17 15:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #43 South East Europe
22.01.17 15:06h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #60 Europe
27.01.17 18:10h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #44 South East Europe
27.01.17 18:11h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #303
27.01.17 18:37h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #44 South East Europe
31.01.17 20:52h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #304
04.02.17 00:09h  new_member  Samu (7189537)
04.02.17 09:50h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #61 Europe
04.02.17 14:06h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #45 South East Europe
04.02.17 14:58h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #45 South East Europe
06.02.17 20:10h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #46 South East Europe
08.02.17 17:20h  join_league  ESL Play WGLEU Silver Series Season 2 Qualifier #2
11.02.17 19:25h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #305
13.02.17 16:44h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #62 Europe
17.02.17 17:04h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #47 South East Europe
19.02.17 14:40h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #306
20.02.17 18:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #63 Europe
26.02.17 11:05h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #307
27.02.17 17:55h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #64 Europe
04.03.17 15:52h  join_league  ESL Play WGLEU Silver Series Season 2 Qualifier #3
04.03.17 15:59h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #308
04.03.17 17:44h  join_league  ESL Play WGLEU Silver Series Season 2 Qualifier #3
06.03.17 18:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #65 Europe
11.03.17 15:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #49 South East Europe
12.03.17 11:35h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #309
12.03.17 11:35h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #309
12.03.17 11:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #66 Europe
12.03.17 14:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #309
15.03.17 21:23h  kick_member  / by kzbo (7472800)
15.03.17 21:57h  new_member  marcesz01 (7694462)
15.03.17 22:04h  new_member  Deleted (7751788)
16.03.17 17:21h  new_member  Deleted (10129623)
16.03.17 19:03h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #50 South East Europe
16.03.17 19:04h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #310
16.03.17 19:04h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #310
18.03.17 17:14h  new_member  Deleted (9455271)
18.03.17 19:18h  leave_member  Deleted (9455271)
19.03.17 14:43h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #310
20.03.17 18:55h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #67 Europe
24.03.17 08:46h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #311
24.03.17 08:46h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #51 South East Europe
26.03.17 14:51h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #311
27.03.17 16:22h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #68 Europe
30.03.17 18:02h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #52 South East Europe
30.03.17 18:02h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #312
03.04.17 16:17h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #69 Europe
03.04.17 18:50h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #69 Europe
06.04.17 13:42h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #53 South East Europe
06.04.17 13:42h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #313
08.04.17 15:46h  new_member  Deleted (9467273)
10.04.17 18:08h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #70 Europe
10.04.17 18:57h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #70 Europe
11.04.17 00:21h  leave_member  Deleted (7803323)
15.04.17 13:14h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #54 South East Europe
15.04.17 15:41h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #54 South East Europe
16.04.17 13:14h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #314
17.04.17 18:16h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #71 Europe
20.04.17 12:17h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #315
20.04.17 12:17h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #55 South East Europe
20.04.17 13:40h  kick_member  / by Samu (7189537)
23.04.17 14:48h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #315
24.04.17 18:49h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #72 Europe
28.04.17 15:15h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #56 South East Europe
28.04.17 15:16h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #316
29.04.17 16:08h  new_member  Deleted (9224898)
29.04.17 16:52h  leave_member  Deleted (9224898)
30.04.17 14:48h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #316
04.05.17 17:21h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #57 South East Europe
04.05.17 18:18h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #317
05.05.17 14:39h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #57 South East Europe
06.05.17 15:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #57 South East Europe
07.05.17 07:39h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_gold"
07.05.17 14:49h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #317
08.05.17 18:29h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #73 Europe
12.05.17 15:18h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #58 South East Europe
12.05.17 15:19h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #318
15.05.17 18:25h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #74 Europe
15.05.17 22:05h  leave_member  Deleted (10129623)
19.05.17 16:52h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #59 South East Europe
19.05.17 16:52h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #319
20.05.17 18:15h  leave_member  Deleted (8737124)
27.05.17 15:44h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #60 South East Europe
30.05.17 20:32h  leave_member  Samu (7189537)
03.06.17 11:09h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #61 South East Europe
05.06.17 20:20h  new_member  Deleted (9223493)
10.06.17 15:45h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #62 South East Europe
11.06.17 11:50h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #322
11.06.17 15:06h  new_member  Deleted (7467256)
11.06.17 15:12h  new_member  Deleted (9386135)
12.06.17 17:35h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #78 Europe
14.06.17 07:36h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
17.06.17 13:43h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #63 South East Europe
18.06.17 14:08h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #323
18.06.17 14:46h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #323
22.06.17 17:34h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #324
22.06.17 17:34h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #64 South East Europe
24.06.17 15:48h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 7on7 High Caliber Cup #64 South East Europe
26.06.17 18:56h  join_league  ESL Play WoT 5on5 Yolo Cup #80 Europe
30.06.17 19:20h  join_league  ESL Play Go4WoT Europe Cup #325
08.10.17 12:24h  leave_member  marcesz01 (7694462)
12.06.20 07:13h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_5years"
26.05.21 20:31h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
18.07.21 17:04h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
01.08.21 12:14h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
20.09.21 20:22h  kick_member  szarcsi / by Daemon (3)
06.11.21 20:34h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
27.03.22 23:16h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
29.04.22 23:14h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
09.10.22 19:53h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
12.10.22 19:12h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
30.01.25 12:44h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)