History Xenos.GG
created action
20.02.16 20:22h  register_team  Deleted (9872492)
20.02.16 20:24h  new_member  TTLVirus (9797288)
21.02.16 02:46h  new_member  Deleted (9836603)
21.02.16 12:47h  new_member  Deleted (9819474)
21.02.16 13:24h  new_member  Deleted (9896240)
21.02.16 15:28h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #3
23.02.16 10:44h  new_member  Deleted (9901398)
28.02.16 14:50h  new_member  Deleted (9816229)
28.02.16 15:06h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #4
01.03.16 18:50h  leave_member  Deleted (9896240)
09.03.16 17:54h  new_member  Deleted (9825799)
09.03.16 18:42h  new_member  Noxa (9821344)
09.03.16 18:50h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #16
10.03.16 09:16h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_bronze"
13.03.16 14:49h  new_member  Deleted (9896240)
13.03.16 15:13h  new_member  Deleted (9938014)
13.03.16 15:14h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #6
13.03.16 15:52h  new_member  Deleted (9855743)
15.03.16 18:09h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
15.03.16 18:10h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
15.03.16 18:10h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
19.03.16 19:19h  leave_member  Deleted (9896240)
19.03.16 23:21h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #7
20.03.16 15:13h  leave_member  Deleted (9855743)
26.03.16 19:35h  new_member  Deleted (9843691)
27.03.16 11:44h  leave_member  Deleted (9819474)
27.03.16 14:24h  new_member  Deleted (9998109)
27.03.16 14:52h  new_member  Deleted (9955169)
27.03.16 14:53h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #8
29.03.16 13:54h  new_member  Deleted (10001738)
29.03.16 15:34h  new_member  Deleted (10001772)
29.03.16 15:38h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #9
29.03.16 15:38h  join_league  ESL Play Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
29.03.16 15:38h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #22
02.04.16 16:06h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #23
06.04.16 17:47h  new_member  Deleted (10020904)
06.04.16 18:04h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #24
09.04.16 19:28h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #10
10.04.16 20:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
10.04.16 20:39h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
10.04.16 20:39h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
10.04.16 20:39h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
10.04.16 20:39h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
11.04.16 13:32h  new_member  Deleted (9819474)
13.04.16 17:19h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #26
14.04.16 15:54h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #11
16.04.16 02:28h  new_member  Deleted (9912180)
16.04.16 02:36h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
17.04.16 14:05h  join_league  ESL Play Plantronics EU R6: Siege Challenge - April Cup #3
18.04.16 22:44h  new_member  Deleted (9937897)
19.04.16 17:40h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
20.04.16 14:06h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #28
21.04.16 09:00h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_bronze"
22.04.16 20:03h  new_member  Deleted (9995323)
23.04.16 01:20h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #12
23.04.16 09:47h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_bronze"
23.04.16 20:34h  change_name  Chaos.R6S
26.04.16 17:27h  join_league  ESL Play Plantronics EU R6: Siege Challenge - April Cup #4
26.04.16 17:27h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #13
27.04.16 08:46h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #30
30.04.16 09:24h  received_award  Received award "eslwonmatches_teams_bronze"
02.05.16 01:18h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #14
04.05.16 09:54h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #32
09.05.16 09:57h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #15
11.05.16 13:06h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #34
18.05.16 13:59h  new_member  Deleted (9841655)
21.05.16 11:58h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #37
26.05.16 18:20h  child_kick  Chaos.R6S Pro League
26.05.16 22:21h  new_child  Chaos.R6S Pro League
28.05.16 14:35h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #39
29.05.16 14:07h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #17
29.05.16 14:49h  leave_league  ESL Play Rainbow Six Siege (One) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
30.05.16 08:00h  received_award  Received award "cup_attend_silver"
01.06.16 17:49h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #40
04.06.16 13:24h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #41
05.06.16 14:10h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #18
07.06.16 21:56h  change_name  Barrage.R6S
08.06.16 17:37h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #42
12.06.16 02:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #19
15.06.16 14:30h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
15.06.16 16:37h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #44
17.06.16 13:40h  new_member  Deleted (9855743)
18.06.16 16:42h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #45
19.06.16 01:15h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #20
22.06.16 17:37h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #46
22.06.16 18:50h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #46
25.06.16 13:58h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #21
25.06.16 13:59h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #47
29.06.16 18:52h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #48
02.07.16 16:21h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #49
03.07.16 03:56h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #22
05.07.16 13:25h  new_member  Deleted (10249613)
06.07.16 18:58h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #50
17.07.16 13:55h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
17.07.16 13:56h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #24
23.07.16 01:14h  change_name  Chaos.R6S
24.07.16 01:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #25
27.07.16 18:55h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #56
31.07.16 03:39h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #26
09.08.16 20:13h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
14.08.16 11:57h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #28
21.08.16 07:29h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_6months"
21.08.16 15:54h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #29
24.08.16 21:04h  change_name  U4X.Siege
04.09.16 13:45h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #31
11.09.16 15:50h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #32
12.09.16 07:28h  received_award  Received award "cup_matchwon_silver"
18.09.16 01:59h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #33
18.09.16 12:57h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
25.09.16 01:35h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #34
25.09.16 12:43h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
25.09.16 13:09h  new_member  Deleted (9852022)
29.09.16 21:11h  leave_member  Deleted (9912180)
01.10.16 22:03h  new_member  Deleted (10387514)
02.10.16 12:08h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #35
05.10.16 15:12h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #36
05.10.16 15:12h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #76
16.10.16 12:25h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #37
30.10.16 14:20h  new_member  Deleted (10139325)
30.10.16 14:31h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
30.10.16 14:33h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #39
06.11.16 14:05h  new_member  Deleted (10013087)
06.11.16 14:07h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #40
06.11.16 14:43h  leave_member  Deleted (10013087)
12.11.16 16:45h  new_member  Deleted (10643517)
12.11.16 16:47h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #87
13.11.16 15:35h  new_member  Deleted (10186192)
13.11.16 15:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #41
16.11.16 17:39h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #88
16.11.16 18:58h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Bomb Community Cup 2016 Europe #88
20.11.16 13:37h  new_member  NoThumbs (8047545)
20.11.16 13:42h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #42
20.11.16 16:57h  leave_member  Deleted (10139325)
23.11.16 17:34h  new_member  Deleted (10687540)
23.11.16 18:10h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
23.11.16 18:10h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
24.11.16 16:14h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play R6 (One) Six Invitational Qualifier Cup #1 Europe
24.11.16 17:38h  join_league  ESL Play R6 (One) Six Invitational Qualifier Cup #1 Europe
24.11.16 23:38h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
24.11.16 23:39h  new_member  Deleted (9905734)
27.11.16 14:05h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #43
03.12.16 13:05h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
03.12.16 13:48h  new_member  NoThumbs (8047545)
06.12.16 18:23h  change_name  The Chaos Snake
07.12.16 11:42h  change_name  Chaos.R6S
10.12.16 13:02h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
10.12.16 13:02h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play R6 (One) Six Invitational Qualifier Cup #2 Europe
10.12.16 13:06h  join_league  ESL Play R6 (One) Six Invitational Qualifier Cup #2 Europe
10.12.16 15:48h  new_member  Deleted (10721282)
11.12.16 15:41h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
11.12.16 15:41h  new_member  Deleted (10001738)
11.12.16 15:41h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
11.12.16 15:42h  new_member  Deleted (9819474)
11.12.16 15:59h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #45
11.12.16 16:39h  leave_member  Deleted (9819474)
15.01.17 11:06h  leave_member  Deleted (9905734)
20.02.17 07:34h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_1year"
13.05.17 13:26h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
13.05.17 13:27h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
13.05.17 13:28h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
13.05.17 13:28h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
13.05.17 13:31h  change_name  Opowawa R6
13.05.17 13:37h  new_member  Deleted (10106805)
13.05.17 13:37h  new_member  Deleted (10387514)
13.05.17 13:40h  new_member  Deleted (10846981)
13.05.17 14:29h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
13.05.17 15:14h  new_member  Noxa (9821344)
13.05.17 15:30h  new_member  Deleted (11300156)
13.05.17 15:40h  join_league  ESL Play ESL R6 (One) Major League Season 2 2017 Open Qualifier #1 Europe
20.05.17 13:49h  new_member  Officerhardy (8693097)
20.05.17 13:57h  join_league  ESL Play ESL R6 (One) Major League Season 2 2017 Open Qualifier #2 Europe
01.06.17 11:27h  leave_member  Deleted (10387514)
03.06.17 14:25h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
03.06.17 15:05h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
03.06.17 15:06h  new_member  Deleted (11347454)
03.06.17 15:10h  new_member  Deleted (10721282)
04.06.17 17:17h  new_member  Deleted (9959784)
04.06.17 18:51h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
15.06.17 07:54h  received_award  Received award "eslmatches_teams_silver"
27.09.17 19:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
27.09.17 19:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
27.09.17 19:37h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
01.10.17 13:39h  new_member  Deleted (9819474)
01.10.17 13:58h  new_member  Deleted (10001772)
01.10.17 14:48h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #86
01.10.17 15:31h  new_member  Deleted (9836603)
03.10.17 14:35h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
03.10.17 15:07h  new_member  Deleted (10643517)
03.10.17 16:36h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #8
03.10.17 17:33h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #8
03.10.17 19:18h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #9
03.10.17 19:18h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #10
03.10.17 19:19h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #11
03.10.17 19:20h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #11
03.10.17 19:20h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #9
03.10.17 19:20h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #10
05.10.17 00:07h  change_name  Cpt WinnyBeard and the lads
15.10.17 13:41h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #88
15.10.17 13:41h  change_name  Gluten free granola
17.10.17 19:19h  change_name  Littlemix
17.10.17 19:19h  change_name  Little Mix
21.10.17 23:58h  change_name  chaoS.R6S
22.10.17 14:59h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #89
29.10.17 14:58h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #90
29.10.17 14:58h  new_member  Deleted (9836603)
29.10.17 15:12h  new_member  Deleted (10493614)
31.10.17 14:26h  leave_member  Deleted (9836603)
05.11.17 15:17h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #91
07.11.17 13:13h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Premiership Open Qualifier
07.11.17 13:14h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #12
07.11.17 15:20h  new_member  Deleted (9836603)
07.11.17 17:09h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #12
08.11.17 15:54h  join_league  ESL Play Premiership Open Qualifier
10.11.17 19:39h  change_name  Xenos.GG
12.11.17 11:55h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #92
14.11.17 14:53h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
14.11.17 14:55h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
14.11.17 16:15h  new_member  Deleted (10966182)
14.11.17 16:17h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #13
14.11.17 19:14h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #13
21.11.17 11:08h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #14
21.11.17 19:14h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #14
24.11.17 22:50h  wanna_join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #15
26.11.17 01:20h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) UK Cup #15
26.11.17 20:49h  kick_member  / by Deleted (9872492)
29.11.17 21:14h  new_member  Deleted (9836603)
03.12.17 13:42h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #95
12.12.17 02:28h  join_league  ESL Play ESL R6 (One) ML - Y2S4 Europe - Open Qualifier #1
03.01.18 10:49h  kick_member  / by MattjA (3335526)
03.01.18 10:53h  kick_member  / by MattjA (3335526)
07.01.18 14:12h  join_league  ESL Play Go4R6 (One) Europe Cup #100
05.02.18 10:23h  new_member  Deleted (10001772)
20.02.18 07:42h  received_award  Received award "esl_membersince_2years"
02.04.18 15:53h  new_member  Deleted (9743155)
02.04.18 16:13h  join_league  ESL Play R6: Siege (One) 5on5 Vanilla Easter Cup 2018 Europe
03.04.22 15:16h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
02.05.22 15:59h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
02.05.22 22:14h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
05.02.23 12:13h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
06.05.23 16:39h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
30.09.23 03:52h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)
12.05.24 16:21h  kick_member  Deleted / by Daemon (3)