Element 111   id:  14791707
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
 Nice guy Jake
Fighter 1857 days
Uplay Nick: N1ceGuyJake  (15.09.19)
Xbox Account: Nice Guy Jake  (11.11.18)
 The GrizzzIy
Leader 1858 days
Uplay Nick: DaGrizzziy.KOZ  (07.04.23)
Xbox Account: The GrizzzIy  (29.03.19)
Fighter 1856 days
Clash Royale Account: #2R9QG98J8  (02.04.21)
Uplay Nick: DR3M Galaxy  (14.10.17)
Xbox Account: xKozmosis  (13.08.19)

Gameaccounts which are marked red are blocked!