ESL Industry Services   id:  15054136
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
 Fer Suzawa
Fighter 1817 days
Arena of Valor Nickname (Europe): Fer Suzawa  (23.09.17)
Discord ID: Fer Suzawa#1273  (17.02.23)
Epic Account Name: fersuzawa  (08.11.21)
Paladins: FerSuzawa  (11.10.21)
PSN Online ID: FerSuzawa  (23.01.21)
Steam Account: Fer Suzawa  (03.04.19)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): ferpaipai  (14.05.20)
Leader 1817 days
Apex Legends (TEST): Owen3243  (11.10.21)
Auto Chess ID: GTF7XS  (27.05.20) BattleTag (Global): SirOwen#1786  (26.03.20)
Brawl Stars GameID: #88J2C2P9U  (12.01.20)
Clash Royale Account: #P9PV9LQQ8  (20.12.19)
Discord ID: sirowengg  (18.06.23)
EA ID (PC): sirOwenGG  (10.03.19)
Epic Account Name: sirOwen  (20.10.20)
EpicID: 6889e15403d94680a0d2bd3bba333487  (20.10.20)
Forza 7 Nickname: ESL sirOwen  (10.03.21)
Free Fire ID: 322  (06.09.21)
Free Fire Nickname: ꧁༒♛Owen♛༒꧂  (11.10.21)
Legends of Runeterra ID: sirOwen  (14.06.20)
MLB The Show Game Account: sirOwenXBOX  (30.03.24)
Paladins: sirOwenGG  (23.12.19)
PokerTH Nickname: sirOwen  (28.10.17)
PSN Online ID: ESLsirOwen  (23.07.24)
PUBG ID: sirOwen  (24.10.17)
Street Fighter 5 Nickname: sirOwen  (14.05.21)
Steam Account: sirOwen  (10.07.22)
Summoner Name (EU-West): ESL sirOwen  (26.08.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): sirOwenGG  (01.06.22)
Summoner Name (Latin America South): sirOwen  (18.06.23)
Summoner Name (Tournament Realm): ESL sirOwen  (06.03.22)
Wild Rift ID: sirOwen  (15.07.22)
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Fighter 1817 days
Discord ID: vendogalletas  (16.06.23)
MLB The Show Game Account: NotAGA  (20.06.24)
Steam Account: The Tiny from Tiny Tina's  (16.11.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): ESL Babu  (13.01.23)
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
ESL Latam
Fighter 314 days
Brawl Stars GameID: Cuacker#GJ9OYG8U  (16.05.20)
Clash of Clans: #8RVUCG888  (04.04.21)
Discord ID: .cuacker  (20.06.24)
MLB The Show Game Account: Saracatunga  (20.06.24)
PSN Online ID: Cuackerr  (17.08.21)
Fighter 1163 days
Discord ID: fenry_ford  (20.06.24)
MLB The Show Game Account: FenryFord  (20.06.24)
PSN Online ID: FenryFord021  (23.06.23)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): Fenry Ford  (11.01.23)
Fighter 1483 days
Discord ID: Nyreh#0371  (11.01.23)
Steam Account: Nyreh  (12.04.21)
Summoner Name (EU-West): Nyreh  (26.08.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): Nyreh  (11.01.23)
Summoner Name (Latin America South): Nyreh  (15.05.20)
Fighter 1307 days BattleTag (Global): Thedrag#11345  (01.04.20)
Discord ID: pilovew  (25.06.23)
EA ID (PC): Pilovew  (01.04.20)
Epic Account Name: pilovew  (28.03.24)
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2435775  (01.04.20)
MLB The Show Game Account: pilovew  (20.06.24)
PSN Online ID: Pilovew  (01.04.20)
Steam Account: pilovew  (01.04.20)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): pilovew  (13.01.22)
Uplay Nick: Pilovew  (01.04.20)
VALORANT ID: pilovew#0000  (13.11.22)
Xbox Account: Pilovew  (01.04.20)
Fighter 1163 days
Discord ID: .seranonimo  (29.07.23)
MLB The Show Game Account: Seranonimo  (20.06.24)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): SerAnonimo  (17.06.23)
Fighter 313 days
Discord ID: sif28  (20.06.24)
MLB The Show Game Account: Sif28  (20.06.24)
Fighter 1817 days
Auto Chess ID: GTHEDY  (08.06.20)
Discord ID: Stesean  (02.09.23)
Epic Account Name: cfdbbedd1765400799409f82bbe3c450  (11.11.21)
EpicID: cfdbbedd1765400799409f82bbe3c450  (11.11.21)
Free Fire ID: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111  (06.09.21)
MLB The Show Game Account: Stesean  (20.06.24)
PUBG ID: asdasdasd  (11.10.21)
Steam Account: Stesean  (31.03.20)
Summoner Name (EU-West): Steseannn  (03.09.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): steseanesl  (13.05.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America South): SteseaN  (16.06.21)
Fighter 622 days
Honorary member
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Trial 1307 days BattleTag (Global): Dariuz#1676  (27.02.22)
Discord ID: Dariuz#7614  (11.01.23)
Steam Account: ESL Dariuz  (27.02.22)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): TheDariuz0410  (11.01.23)
Summoner Name (Latin America South): noobster69  (08.01.22)
Fighter 1687 days
Discord ID: hastydubu  (02.09.23)
Epic Account Name: xNGU68  (21.05.21)
Steam Account: Dubu  (16.11.21)
Summoner Name (EU-West): HastyDubu  (26.08.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): Dubu  (21.06.21)
Fighter 1327 days BattleTag (Global): JASchiaffini#1476  (11.05.21)
Discord ID: eskiaf  (16.06.23)
Summoner Name (EU-West): Eskiaf  (02.09.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): Schiaffini  (17.06.23)
Fighter 1163 days
Fighter 1262 days
Discord ID: Kthrym#9231  (11.01.23)
Steam Account: ESL Kthryn  (31.07.22)
Fighter 1326 days
Fighter 802 days
Discord ID: Phantomb#5931  (11.01.23)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): dsgfsdgdsg  (11.01.23)
Fighter 1149 days
Fighter 1266 days
Fighter 1326 days
Discord ID: VitoDigitale  (16.06.23)
Epic Account Name: xdowen  (27.10.22)
Legends of Runeterra ID: Vito Digitale#LAN  (16.04.20)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): VitoDigitale#LAN  (16.06.23)
Fighter 1480 days
Epic Account Name: Illidan543  (01.04.21)
PUBG Lite ID: Yayin  (01.04.21)
Fighter 1413 days BattleTag (Global): Zhayu#11799  (08.08.21)
PSN Online ID: xZeroGrav  (05.05.21)
Riot ID: Zhayunara#NA1  (08.08.21)
Steam Account: Zhayu  (08.08.21)
Summoner Name (EU-West): Thats my dog  (26.08.21)

Gameaccounts which are marked red are blocked!