testaccountopopcoctesting   id:  16679306
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Fighter 1460 days
Clash of Clans: #L98G2GPQJ  (19.03.21)
PUBG ID: 123123131241  (23.01.18)
PUBG MOBILE Nickname: 12123121555  (23.07.19)
Leader 1460 days
Arena of Valor Nickname (Europe): test  (10.04.18)
Clash of Clans: #LYV89JLVP  (25.03.21)
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 13: #LYV89JLVP  (25.03.21)
Clash Royale Account: #RCVYP2QVQ  (17.03.21)
EA ID (PC): BearOnATree  (27.06.19)
PSN Online ID: BearOnATree  (29.06.17)
PUBG ID: 12121312313123  (23.01.18)
PUBG MOBILE ID: 11221313124141231232  (10.07.20)
PUBG MOBILE Nickname: 1212312155Superop  (16.08.20)
Fighter 1460 days
Clash of Clans: #LPGV800U2  (19.03.21)
Clash Royale Account: #GV2YPVYJ8  (18.03.21)
Fighter 1460 days
Clash of Clans: #L9PRL9YJP  (19.03.21)

Gameaccounts which are marked red are blocked!