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  Shadow Hunters   id:  16752136
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Co-leader 1439 days
Clash of Clans: #LR8L8G2J  (10.04.21)
PSN Online ID: gacek78  (18.04.17)
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Leader 1439 days
Clash of Clans: #PGPVCU88R  (16.04.19)
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 12: #PGPVCU88R  (08.11.19)
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 13: #PGPVCU88R  (05.01.20)
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
 kryki biceps 69
Fighter 1438 days
Clash of Clans: #8Y0R2RGYL  (02.03.19)
Fighter 1439 days
Clash of Clans: #PV0PYUP2L  (11.04.21)
 The Godfather
Fighter 1439 days
Clash of Clans: #80JJQUL2J  (11.04.21)
Fighter 1438 days
Clash of Clans: #JQRGJPVJ  (11.04.21)

Gameaccounts which are marked red are blocked!