ESL Engineering   id:  1702899
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Leader 3106 days
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2438367  (03.04.20)
PSN Online ID: Cinetik__  (02.11.21)
PUBG ID: Cinetik  (20.07.17)
Quake Champions (LINKING TEST): Cine  (17.10.17)
Riot ID: buntuneta#EUW  (21.05.21)
Steam Account: Ctk  (24.06.22)
Uplay Nick: Cinetik__  (12.05.17)
Leader 5390 days
Steam Account: n1tro  (13.12.19)
Leader 2421 days BattleTag (Global): zGrav#2242  (11.02.19)
EA ID (PC): datzGrav  (14.03.19)
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 568136  (17.02.21)
PSN Online ID: totallynotzGrav  (18.04.19)
PUBG ID: zGrav  (14.03.19)
Steam Account: z  (28.01.19)
VALORANT ID: z #2700  (07.07.20)
Xbox Account: notzGrav  (01.04.19)
Honorary member
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Leader 3858 days BattleTag (Global): Basert#2531  (30.10.18)
EA ID (PC): basertx  (11.02.20)
Epic Account: basert  (10.03.21)
PokerTH Nickname: Basert  (28.08.11)
PSN Online ID: basert93  (12.02.19)
PSN Online ID (Integration / QA): basert93  (21.01.20)
PUBG ID: basert  (18.09.18)
Quake Champions: basert  (10.09.18)
Riot ID: basert#9098  (17.05.21)
Steam Account: basert  (12.02.19)
Uplay Nick: basert  (12.09.18)
Xbox Account: eslBasert  (28.05.19)
Fighter 4704 days
Fighter 6071 days
Fighter 2309 days
Clash Royale Account: #C8QULQJ2  (03.06.19)
EA ID (PC): Dtdarklycid1  (11.03.19)
PSN Online ID (Integration / QA): q94aaae5d0a-DEde  (21.11.18)
Fighter 6470 days
WC3 Battlenet (eu): derenix  (29.08.08)
Leader 5185 days
Auto Chess ID: GFRLDZ  (26.03.20)
Clash of Clans: #Y08QR9PC2  (16.07.19)
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 9: #Y08QR9PC2  (16.07.19)
Clash Royale Account: #Y0JJCQ09G  (11.06.19)
EA ID (PC): ezcGman  (21.09.23)
Epic Account: eslGmanTest2  (10.03.21)
PSN Online ID: ezcGman  (18.05.22)
PSN Online ID (Integration / QA): ezcGmanDev  (30.06.22)
PUBG Mobile Account: eslGman  (13.05.22)
Uplay Nick: ezcGman  (10.10.18)
Xbox Account: eslGman  (30.01.23)
Leader 5971 days
Clash of Clans: #L92JVUJCL  (22.02.19)
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 12: #L92JVUJCL  (16.07.19)
Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 9: #L92JVUJCL  (16.07.19)
Clash Royale Account: #PJYJGPPVJ  (15.03.19)
Fortnite (TEST ONLY): Friedfisch  (05.02.19)
PokerTH Nickname: Friedfisch  (18.03.09)
PSN Online ID: Friedfisch  (29.09.17)
PSN Online ID (Integration / QA): Fried  (16.12.20)
Steam Account: Friedfisch  (05.06.19)
Leader 4040 days
Clash Royale Account: #RY90LQ29  (15.03.19)
EA Integration Blazeid: 1000101976204  (23.08.18)
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2726769  (30.08.21)
Fortnite (TEST ONLY): grondam  (05.02.19)
PSN Online ID (Integration / QA): Grondamus  (22.08.16)
Steam Account: Grondam  (18.10.19)
Fighter 3487 days BattleTag (Global): Itrulia#2544  (11.02.19)
EpicID: b988d08796a35451126f7251ef9f6c07  (16.10.18)
Joygame ID: test  (16.09.18)
PSN Online ID: Hackerman13377  (22.06.18)
PUBG ID: Itrulia  (21.06.17)
Quake Champions: testdwdadw  (03.05.18)
Steam Account: Less QQ  (11.02.19)
Uplay Nick: Itrulia-  (29.07.17)
Xbox Account: NameKobold65040  (19.06.18)
Fighter 6952 days
Leader 3302 days BattleTag (Global): Mailandes#2177  (28.01.20)
Clash Royale Account: #QVLVPJVQ  (03.06.19)
EA Integration Blazeid: 123123  (28.08.18)
PSN Online ID (Dev / Darkside): mulant1  (28.06.18)
PUBG ID: MoNsTeR-46-  (07.06.19)
Steam Account: 이영호  (07.06.19)
Uplay Nick: nkniief+  (21.02.19)
Fighter 1996 days BattleTag (Global): Nicola#2181  (08.02.19)
EA ID (PC): NicolaConnect  (08.02.19)
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2398878  (17.02.20)
N. Tessera FIDE: 86  (27.02.21)
PSN Online ID: SmoggyNose  (08.02.19)
Steam Account: Nicola  (08.02.19)
Summoner Name (EU-West): NicolaConnect  (17.12.20)
Uplay Nick: SmoggyNose  (30.11.18)
Fighter 4352 days
Clash of Clans: #LRVG2CVJG  (12.11.19)
Clash Royale Account: #QL29R9PY  (19.03.19)
Fortnite (TEST ONLY): Hello  (05.02.19)
PUBG ID: rhazn  (23.07.17)
Street Fighter 5 Nickname: Sfnick  (28.09.16)
Steam Account: mdma  (29.04.19)
Uplay Nick: Test ggg fjf  (28.05.18)
Fighter 5059 days
WC3 Battlenet (eu): go4loos  (28.08.05)
Fighter 6105 days
PUBG ID: sliderrr  (18.10.17)
WolfPack |
Fighter 5700 days
WC3 Battlenet (eu): No01.St4Lk3R  (18.02.05)
Fighter 6952 days
Arena of Valor Nickname (Europe): Thefly  (28.09.17)
WC3 Battlenet (eu): Thefly  (08.07.02)
EA ID (PC): Theefly  (04.11.21)
Steam Account: Thefly  (17.06.20)
Uplay Nick: Thefly75  (04.11.21)

Gameaccounts which are marked red are blocked!