IDK The Name   id:  17437541
Name Permission Member since Gameaccounts
Leader 1195 days BattleTag (Global): Andr0x#21280  (20.08.20)
PUBG ID: 2323  (25.12.20)
Steam Account: Andr0x  (28.04.20)
Leader 1195 days
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2418497  (07.10.21)
PUBG ID: ESLREFEREE_NtroP  (02.03.22)
Steam Account: NtroP  (25.08.20)
Leader 1195 days
PUBG ID: Petsch  (12.08.17)
Steam Account: Petsch  (08.04.20)
Uplay Nick: Petsch-  (10.11.16)
Leader 1195 days
Clash Royale Account: #ULRR9CCGV  (14.04.23)
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2748655  (03.04.22)
PUBG ID: Phonograf  (02.03.22)
Riot ID: Phonograf#RU1  (01.06.21)
Leader 1195 days
Apex Legends (TEST): solefen1x  (28.02.24)
Clash of Clans: #Q2Q0Y0J00  (28.03.21)
Clash Royale Account: #L9GQPURVQ  (19.12.19)
ESEA Account (IN DEVELOPMENT): 2364063  (26.09.22)
Steam Account: EXILE | solefen1x  (10.11.21)
Summoner Name (Latin America North): solefen1x  (14.05.20)
Xbox Account: solefenix27  (09.09.18)

Gameaccounts which are marked red are blocked!