First Match is Go there and make sure to put your battlenet tag on the gameID on the right if you can join 5th of June on 15:00. We have to be online at 14:30 to check in. Please add eachother on Battlenet as well during the week when we will end up playing together to practice and have fun. No jerks allowed... if someone is acting like a jerk you get banned from the team. Some are newbies some are pros, we just have fun and see what happens and the pros amongst us can try teach the newbies. This Sunday I need a minimum of active players that can play that day registered and ready :D This means: Put you Battlenettag next to the Game ID on the page (linked above) Download ESL WIRE (Google search it and pick the link of Make sure you have Teamspeak 3 and a working mic Make sure your game is up to date the day of a competition. If we win, I collect the data needed from everyone to give them their part of the money price. (Personally do not think this will be the case the first tries :p) So join and have fun. |