Carpo Antitheus is an open gaming community, with Dutch origins. Founded by Futixx and Frostii in 2011, and rebooted in 2014. cA likes to be a fun, active and easy-to-join community. cA doesn’t have strict rules, think of them more as guidelines. These guidelines can be found on our forum. Members are expected to behave maturely both in-game and on teamspeak. If you have a problem with one of our members or policy, let us know! If you want to join, be sure to meet the following criteria. You are 16+ You speak English or Dutch fluently. You own a headset/microphone for Teamspeak. We have our own TeamSpeak 3 (TS3) server. If you just want to hang out with some of your friends who already joined cA., just join our Teamspeak! You can find us on : Every online gamer is welcome. cA. plays games from Counter Strike : Global Offensive to League of Legends, and everything in between. If you have your own group of friends and you have to play through Skype or something, but cA. doesn’t play your game yet, talk to an admin and we are sure that we can work something out. |