Aussie Underdogs  R6S  id:  10924419
Aussie Underdogs brings a rare feature to clan gaming on the PC, in that we do not restrict ourselves to any single game, series or genre. Instead, we offer a home for our members to get involved across the wide range of games that they play.

We’re a fun and mature community of PC gamers, whose primary goal is for our members to enjoy their gaming at all times. Because of this, we don’t focus on skill or experience, which creates a relaxed and friendly environment, and promotes a drama-free, and hack-free community.
A community of likeminded people who care about fun gaming, teamwork, and dedication – winning and success are just additional perks.

Additional to our vibrant social scene, Clan AU also offer an emphasis on competitive play – for those members who are looking to take their gamimg more seriously, and improve their skills.
For this reason, AU have a number of competitive squads, where demand for competitive play is driven by the members.
These squads not only practice and compete against each other, but also in several ladders and tournaments.

After a brief hiatus from competitive R6S, we are reentering the ESL tournaments with a new team being brought together under the #ClanAU banner.

If you need to contact us for any reason, or if Aussie Underdogs sounds like a place that you could make your gaming home, please get in touch via our Discord server (link found in team details above)