Prestige Tactics  -PR  id:  11439033
Prestige Tactics is a competitive NA eSports team established officially on January 16, 2018, with 6 main team members on the roster the final subbed out with an alternate every week. We have spent a lot of time doing strategy drills, drone positioning, and we have also spent much time formulating strategies. We accept only members that play at a strategic level and whom are active and are willing to spend time practicing strategies, and who have a mostly positive outlook on Siege. One of the most important things in this game are looking at things positively, as an optimist no matter what happens and no matter what the odds are.

Our Current Roster is as follows. (*) = Team Captain

1. Lupus*
2. Scout
3. Manatee
4. JP
5. TBD

ESL Substitutes Roster - Substitutes actually have a lot they have to do on our team. They have to be well-informed and flexible with every strategy enough to be able to play any operator. This is extremely important to us.

1. RubberDucky
2. N0rac

Our team is well formulated. We are not the best by any means, and there are plenty of teams who can beat us. However, we have a lot of heart and hope to play in higher leagues one day, and we are very well-organized and are working toward having the game sense, aim technique, and wits of a Pro Team.

We currently have a 3 Fortnite, a PUBG, a CSGO, and a Rainbow 6 Siege team.