PRG - Premier Gaming   id:  11566093
Rules for Joining:
-Must Create a New PSN with a username of PRG_ and and a single word (resembling a call tag) and may contain a 2 or less numbers.
-Word after (PRG_...) must be appropriate.
- Must be accessible to play in Rainbow Sunday Tournaments.
-No Spam
-must join Discord chat server to communicate with other clansmen.
-Must have higher than a 0.6 ranked K/D Ratio on main account.
-Must be rank Silver II or above on main account
-Must be on PS4
*Disobeying or not following the rules will result in removal from the Team and Discord Server. You will not be allowed to join back after that.

Information on gameplay:
- You will be grouped in a team of 5 players, in which a trusted member will act as leader, said leader can appoint a Co-Leader. A Sub-Team is recommended in which if a player on the team can't play said person will act as a substitute player.