Kreis Altenkirchen   id:  1180924
» Willkommen im schönen Westerwald :)

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Dies ist ein ESL-Account für alle Spieler/Gamer/Sonsige aus dem Kreis Altenkirchen

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und/oder The buNny

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► Wir wünschen euch viel Spass in der ESL

Altenkirchen Gamers - Counterstrike:

Michael 'Michael' Franczyk
Michael is probably the best aimer in our team. His young age is a big problem for him in finding a good clan with high ranks. Perhaps we will see him in a few years at the top of german and international leagues and events. For him it´s no problem to handle a situation against three or more opponents. His incredible aiming can help his team especially agains hard enemies. If the enemy have very good skills, Michael can increase his aiming and than he can be unbeatable. He is good with every weapon, but best at AK47 and M4. We all like him very much :p.

Simon 'bambel' John
He is the newest gamer in our team. Because of his gentle and cool behavior everybody is fond of him. His skills are getting better with the time and his calmness style can help him keep the concentration in important situations. He has to practice a lot to become better in this game. In some month he will appear as a complete new and better player. We will train him.

Nils 'l4g' S.
l4g is playing counterstrike since some month just like TanteEmma, giggn and fearrules. He just have to play more and better his skills to get a good player. He is learning fast. He is good with M4 and can give three headshots in a few seconds. He have a good behavior and is a quiet concentrated player.

Jonathan 'relo' W.
A perfekt skiller and very nice person. His flair to shoot an enemy trough a wall can help the team to win a round. Sometimes he has a bad day in which he can´t kill anything but mostly you can rely on his ability to shoot an enemy trough a wall.

Sascha 'Schliepy' S.
He know that he is not the best counterstrike player in the world but with him you can always prepare to have a lot of fun. He is able to loose a round agains an anemy with one health point only having a knife. His funny character always let the whole time fall in a big-laugh-hole. Schliepy is the idol for a fungamer.

Marc 'TanteEmma' Metzler
Marc is a young and talented player. His skills can be worked up and than he will be able to start playing in a higher level. But he have to study the game to improve his skills. We all can be curious what will happen with him in further time.

Andreas 'fr4gg0r' Reifenrath.
As well he is able to gain his appreciation in this game to become a better player. He has to be more cooler in game but he can win a situation against three and more opponents without a problem.

Eva 'The buNny' Franczyk
The buNny is the only female gamer in our rows. She is a pretty young girl playing counterstrike to show all boys who the real skiller is. Sometimes she is a little bit confused but you can count on her in important situations. Her skills are really good an so she can keep up with the male gamers without any problems. Eva can keep the moral of her team on a high level.

Bartosch 'DARUDE_X' F.
A damn fuckin newbie.

Maurice 'fearrules' G.
To be announced. We have to get to know him better and we have to play with him more often to get to know his strengths and his enervations.

Dominik 'giggn' Dittmann
To be announced. We have to get to know him better and we have to play with him more often to get to know his strengths and his enervations.

Lukas 'luKas' Höfer

Kai Uwe 'blockhead'