[K7] Kingdom 7   id:  11829895

Kingdom 7

-Israel eSports Team-

☆ Sponsored & powered by:

https://rogueenergy.com/ *Energy Drinks*
https://www.kinguin.ne *Quality Games in low prices*


Israel eSports Team - since 2011 -

* Clanpage : https://www.k7-esports.com/
* Discord Server : https://discord.gg/EnaredW
* Team-Membership of Israel eSport Organisation

* Join our PUBG SteamCommunity-Group : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/kingdom7
* Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kingdom_seven/
* Watch us on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channe...UotDoLA?view_as=subscriber
* Meet us live at Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/twitch_kxxxzz
* Like us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kingdom7esports/


☆ About Us:

"The Kingdom Seven was founded in 2011 by a user named Raz
The team focused mainly on Counter Strike and currently has about 6 different games!
The team competes in all sorts of different categories and tries to reach the top places in the list of competitors!
We hope that all of our players will progress successfully and succeed in acquiring powerful experience!
So remember we are K7,
Best regards :
KxXxZz - the Founder​."


☆ Clantag CS Source

* -K7 # Name

☆ Clantag CS:GO

* K7 Name

☆ Clantag Playerunknown`s Battlegrounds

* K7_Name


Kingdom 7
Israell eSports Team
- since 2011 -

☆ Leader & Founder:
* Raz "KxXxZz" Koaz

☆ Team Manager:
* Itamar "Partobi" P.

☆ E-Mail:
* [email protected]
* [email protected]

☆ Information about our Clan:
* https://www.k7-esports.com/

☆ Visit our Discord Server:
* https://discord.gg/EnaredW

- enjoy -

Copyright © 2019 by k7-esports.com