R6SMates eSport  Bravo  id:  12886364
Probably, we all started with the Nintendo or one of the first playstation models. But as usual for gamers, we have not stopped playing. At the end of 2016 the former leaders Leon, Marvin, Tobi, Matthias and Eddy founded the R6SMates. At the very first beginning we played for the fun at the game and so like every other player we played casual and ranked. For fact Matthias first got ranked copper. Which is the lowest rank in the game. But like in every other activity practice makes perfect. You are probably wondering how we got the name, R6SMates. The R6S in the name stands for the game Rainbow Six Siege. The Mates in the name whereas has a much deeper meaning, it is a mix of the names and the nicknames of the founders. At the same time it is just the word itself because your team is everything and without it your nothing. With the time we developed slowly and formed a team with performs in the ESL and the DeSBl but also in other big events like the German Community Cup. We are even going to the German Communtiy Series in _ But a team needs support not only through fans, but also through sponsoring, so we got us some. With that we were able to create our own jerseys. The development got much further than just in Rainbow Six Siege. Now we have a team for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Gran Tourismo Sport. But with the development the name R6SMates does not fit as well as at the beginning. So we decided to change. We wanted to stick to the Mates, because of the meaning the word has. So we changed the name into Mates Gaming. Now we arrived in the year 2019 and we want to continue growing. We would like to achieve more and we are going to achieve more. We are a family, we are Mates Gaming.