____________________________________________________________________ ══► - about us - └► name ................................ Fighters 4 Freedom └► web .................................. www.fighters4freedom.com └► irc ..................................... #f4f-clan @ Quakenet └► games ............................. Enemy Territory ____________________________________________________________________ ══► - Story - F4F is an Enemy Territory FUN-clan playing both ET & ET:QW (when available) We have 4 teams spreaded over 3 different leagues (CB, ESL, GET). We're always recruting 18+ members. (16+ only possible when proven to be verry mature) As said before, F4F is a funclan and we try to give our members as manny options as possible. That's why we play on leagues and don't just play funwars. If you wish to know more about us. Just visit our website ;) ____________________________________________________________________ ══► - rules - └► We expect friendly and respectfully matches. └► We aren't interested to play against kids and flamers └► Feel free to challenge us after contacting us on IRC channel or fill in this form └► Please confirm war-results immediately after the match ____________________________________________________________________ ══► - Staff - └► Claneader .............................. Psycho └► Clanleader .............................. Koeke └► Teamleader ........................... Bert └► Warorga ........................... Whity └► Member ........................... Blacky ________________________© copyright by boldus___________________________ |