New Style Exilits Legion  First Esl Mainteam  id:  1908657
esgl first place!
wc3cl 1a unbeaten
wcip, first season, 6th place, in group 1! participated second and third too!
russian premiere league and many more!

Best Gamer Cod2: ChrisuX (ger)

Best Gamers Wc3(ex):
Thorzain (swe), Award (ger), Agit(ger/türk) little brother of Lodoss (lodoss at ally of sk.eric), Proud(rus), Mikhail (rus), Cris(rus), Romantic(rus), Mutronics (rus), Spoki (ger), Exesley (ger), DiDi(ger), C0wb0y (ger)!

Now exl has a new team with other orga in ger.Esl-Buli but this has nothing to do with us, the German Part of old Exl members,old russian gamers are also half inactive and the new exl team is also not strong. ;P

Im proud of Thorzain who started in exL as a good gamer never winning Agit, now he is one of the wc3-kings in sweden, which is not only our fault but maybe a little bit.

We started intern training always pushing presure on our talents for winning good leagues and hard gamers, nearly progamer and seeking new talents for future!everything selfmade with no support from industries !!! Now Cowboy has a New Clan: Kiz !!!