team-core   id:  2064872

══► - About us -
└► name ................................ Team-core
└► web ...................................
└► irc ...................................... @ Quakenet
└► games ............................. Enemy Territory
└► leagues............................ Clanbase / ESL / Warleagues


══► - Story -
Team-core was founded in 2006 by zolid, snollie & henkie.
Under this command we had our first award with unstable line-up.
Later on, the management was taken over by psyCho
who started with making steady & active line-ups.
Now we hope to be a lasting clan and to book results soon.


══► - Active in -
└► CB EU Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6o6
└► CB BnLx Enemy Territory Stopwatch 3o3
└► CB ET 3o3 OpenCup Fall 2006
└► CB ET 6o6 OpenCup Fall 2006
└► ESL ET 3o3 Fall 2006 Playoffs D1
└► ESL ET 6o6 Fall 2006 Groupstage D4
└► WL ET Season 7


══► - Awards -
└► Quarterfinals of CBhosted 5o5sc 2006 - division4 (old line-up)


══► - Rules -
└► We expect friendly and respectfull matches.
└► We aren't interested to play against kids and flamers
└► Feel free to challenge us after contacting us on IRC channel
└► Please confirm war-results immediatly after the match
