Betsson Voodoo Gaming.wc3   id:  2103396
Do you really think you can beat us?

- WC3L Season XVI - accepted to regular season
- WCO 2009 - 2nd place
- Polish Cup 2008 - top 3 (
- LCW #3 2005 - 3rd place (, the best polish clan league)
- LCW #6 2006 - 3rd place
- LK #1 2006 - 2nd place (polish clan league)
- NCL #2 2006 - 3rd place (
- Invitational 2006 - 2nd place (, ngl system clan league with lan final)
- Clan Base Open Cup spring 2006 – top 8
- The best polish clan of 2006 by Cyberaces (
- LCW #7 2007 - 2nd place
- LCW #8 2008 – 2nd place
- Northrend League 2007 - 3rd place (
- Invitations to ones of the best european leagues like WarCraft 3 League (WC3L), Clan Base Premier League, Warcraft Premier League qualifications, Gamingeye Warcraft League, The Frozen League qualifications, Cold League Pro Series etc.