Euro Tactical Elite   id:  2119885
We are an English speaking, EU based clan. And we play Battlefield.

[EtE]Clan (Euro Tactical Elite) was founded by nine guys who met during their tour of duty in Desert Combat. We are all experienced Battlefield players, most of us have been playing BF since the 1942 Wake Island demo.

[EtE]Clan is all about having a good laugh whilst playing and mastering Battlefield. We keep sharp, keep calm and aim to be the last people you want to face in the line of fire.

At [EtE] we have no ranking system, and all [EtE]Clan members are an equal voice.

The running of [EtE] is spread out, with a clan leader & #1 doing the day to day stuff, a clan council whom oversee decisions, a Site Administrator, a War Arranger, a Chief Recruiter and a Head Of Tactics. However, when push comes to shove we're all badass grunts.

Please register for the forum and say hello. Make tracks to our server (ip and start bringing home those medals.