Lange Hose Holzgewehr   id:  2232034

║ 3 pG's mit langer Hose


║ Server: no


║ !! talk with fisch, c0r or r4lGn
║ and make an appointment. we dont accept clanwars
║ without an appointment. so talk to one of them before
║ challenging us !!

║ RuleZ !!

║ 1. Finish the game.
║ 2. No spamming, No flaming.
║ 3. screenshot and demo obligated.
║ 4. Confirm result immediately at the end.
║ 5. Ask before demand.
║ 6. Have Fun at the Clanwar.


║ icq:

║ 101546195 (fisch)
║ 288285231 (r4lGn)
║ 1290420409 (c0r)


║ steamid´s:

║ 0:0:3530985 fisch
║ 0:0:8894136 c0r
║ 0:1:6371120 r4lGn
