Founded on 6th January 2003 zedi Started off as a Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Clan. It was made by two ex [dF] (virus and gizmo aka dimension and sleepy) as well as ex [SASH] (Tox Darklord Maze Cookie). We prided ourseleves on skill as well as friendship ^^. After winning the Wireplay 4v4 League zedi set its eyes on clanbase and got to #1 without any trouble and never lost a match in the ladder. Team 3D was formed by Sleepy and the newest edition to the clan : Twilight with Dimension joining. They took part in the Axiom 2on2 Turnier Tourney and reached the final but sadly it was never played. zedi then expanded into jk2 again as zith and played a few matches but it never really took off. After a few arguements zedi was closed due to many reasons. It led to the forming of reflex gaming by Maze as well as team.Saints formed by Rio Dark Twilight with Dimension joining. They were then asked to merge into Presidents and formed Presidents Multigaming Team. With Twi forming inactive Darklord and Dimension looked for more members but this failed. Dark and Dimenesion then had the idea to reopen zedi and reconquer the jka community. They asked << to merge into zedi and form the zedi JKA Section. The Thing is a sloshpot - Twi |