Unleashed Elemental Forces  .SW:BF I  id:  2361857
Der Multigaming Clan Unleashed Elemental Forces, kurz {U.E.F}, besteht bereits seit 2004 und gilt als einer der ältesten, erfolgreichsten und besten SWBF Clans.

Be part of the sophisticated and dominating {U.E.F}-clan! Play with vehemence, learn our techniques and JOIN US on the way to glory, u won't regret it!
If u are willing to JOIN {U.E.F}... CONTACT US!

It is pointless to resist! We are one of the most successful clans in the whole SWBF universe! Although mostly German, {U.E.F} is always looking forward to people from all over the world!
Take over an important role on the way to {U.E.F}-superiority.

Be warned: "Skill is our will!"

Thus if u are willing to FIGHT or JOIN {U.E.F}... CONTACT US!
Do so as far as there are open questions to you to be answered.

╔► {U.E.F} ACE: ace26

╔► {U.E.F} Darth Revan: uefdarthrevan

╔► {U.E.F} Black_Phoenix/ToVez: blackphoenix2812

By the way: Feel free to JOIN our TS²-server; IP: (actualization: february 24th 2008)
Get the TS²-password by requesting a person of administration or organisation (ACE, Darth Revan, Eternal'Habi, Black_Phoenix/ToVez; see below)!

Further Xfire contacts:

- if you are willing to JOIN
- if you are looking for MATCHES
- for requesting our TS²-PASSWORD
- or anything else

╔► {U.E.F} Eternal'Habi: uefhabi
╔► {U.E.F} Instinct: germanthepimp69
╔► {U.E.F} Black_Phoenix/ToVez: blackphoenix2812