Gebt Deadman sein Geld  Roundhouse kick mit Sahne!  id:  2561043
for those who are interested in situation between me and ownitsch iam writing the story. when we was driving to the hamburg from cologne (ownitsch was a driver) i had to smoke a cigarette cuz its a bit annoying to be in the situation when there is so many cars on the road and everyone is waiting,i even opened a window so i wont disturb anyone but ownitsch told me to stop smoking i said him no i need to smoke that cigarette!then he stopped a car like crazy step up from his driver place walk off from the car opened my door took my hand and took that cigarette(in bad manner)i walk off from the car and ask him why are u doing this ? and kicked him in the body cuz i cant accept those bad manner thing from him which he did with my cigarette and my hand after that we drived to the hotel guess what happened after that ownitsch told me that i will be flying tomorrow home and said me to stay i was like wtf ownitsch why u are doing this but that ownitsch go to the hotel i was taking another cigarette to smoke cuz i couldnt believe that what he told me then after i smoke i came to him and ask will i be flying tomorrow? guess what happened after he gave me the room card! i was like wtf again and go to my room but i couldnt sleep cuz tomorrow had to be wc3l finals but ownitsch didnt tell me anything what time it gonna be etc... so i was knocking the other players door but nobody opened it and then some time of wait ownitsch appeared i was asking him what happened where u have been ? guess what? he had to go eat and didnt even said anything to me. after that i was really thinking about the flight back and told him that but he was acting bad mannered again i was like wtf again!??? and he just closed the door before me.i said to myself enough of that shit and left to the reception so they call that room and ask ownitsch to come downstairs he did that i was asking him again if i fly tomorrow and then he was acting badmannered again and i kicked him in the face , after that inso kicked me in the face and said something about my mother i kicked him with a leg. after that we left to the rooms and sleep. the day after ownitsch told me that i will be flying back and calling police , police took me away from the hotel i was outside. and then i had to go the pc club to look the adress of wc3l finals and the time i arrived there but i was off from the team and gave the interview and took a flight Hamburg-Kalinigrad-Moscow for 400 euro.