eoLithic In Norway, early September 2002, a new clan was formed. The name was eoLithic This clan would soon grow to be one of the best Counter-Strike clans in the world. On the 23rd of June 2003, after being active for almost a full year, eoL manager Styla officially declared the clan dead. Just before the clan died, eoLithic was ranked as the 2nd best Counter-Strike clan in the world by the GotFrag World Ranking, after Schroet Knommando. eoLithic has played a total of 7 official matches against Schroet Knommando in 4 different tournaments. Out of this matches , eoLithic won 6...... eoLithic Players: Ola Element M oum Hallvar Knoxville Dehli Knut Magnus Damien Hovden Ruben Alexander Dark Bielenberg Lars Naikon Olaisen Jørgen Xeqtr Johannessen Jonas Luke Bro eoLithic's Achievements: 1st place CPL Oslo 2002 1st place CB Eurocup VI 1st place ESL Sweeden Invite Cup 1st place MindTrek LAN 1st place Nine.ESWC LAN Qualifyer 2nd place Nordic Champions 2nd place Clickarena 2003 7th place CPL Winter 2002 Group stages @ CB Eurocup VII Qualified @ ESWC Online Qualifyer |