IDAC   id:  2808473
IDAC - the vicious swedish shooterclan formed in 1999.

IDAC was mainly known in the Natural Selection community where we wreaked havoc in the early millenia. We also hosted the "IDAC nattgibb" back when gathers in ns was uncommon and have always strived to set an example with happy attitudes and a genuine love for the game.

Most of us know each other in the real life and have done so for many years, we drink, laugh, play and compete together, and we enjoy winning!
Remember, you CAN be badass in a game without giving you your social life, hell you can even score some hotties, take a rusty volvo and cruise down to Denmark, hit a rave or two, then head up north and go to any given festival, shave a guys hair off and draw whiskers on him!

Feel free to drop by in #IDAC for a friendly chat.

Oh and old ns-friends will be happy to know that the server "IDAC's snuttefilt" is up and running again, this time hosted by our dear associate Lucifeer, its running TFTrue and is 100% critfree. You can visit the server at (port is not default so look for 'games under this adress').

Auh' right!