CLOSED crimson.cowbois  Mainteam!  id:  2852899
► Info ◄
OI !! Wir baden uns in Ruhm, wir schützen uns durch unsere Eitelkeit und wir Überleben nur durch unsere Persönlichkeit und unseren gewaltigen Enthusiasmus für den Spass. Wir sind die crimson.cowbois, die blutroten, spasssüchtigen Onkel der Natur. „Cowbois, cowbois they’re vicious, their way to live isn’t delicious.”

Crimson.Cowbois.CoD4 is a team of motivated Call of Duty 8 players with years of experience in eSport. The primary target of the team, is to be a top team in Call of Duty 4. Due to their different abilities complemented the team into a unit. Crimson.Cowbois sees itself as an independent team, and search a Clan.
► Matches ◄
If you want challenge us, contacted us on ICQ, to fix a date.

Yours sincerely,

GooD LucK and HavE FuN

► Team ◄
c.C > elmo
c.C > henne
c.C > hotte
c.C > kuchen
c.C > nils
c.C > stormy
c.C > stylezz
c.C > fox
► Contact ◄
xFire ► hotte0815, kuch0n, elmosas, stylezzz92
