All began at the end of 2006. There was a guy called Major King who created a group called [eVo]luTioN together with P@ge. We started with just a few people who wanted to join and were mostly playing on “Moongamers Omaha Beach” - Servers. After some problematic moments there, some people left but also some new came. At that time we had to change our attitude… We got our forums to have a way to communicate with each other. Soon we also found the way to Teamspeak and X-Fire and began to form this group into a clan. Our first steps where a bit uncoordinated and without any bigger kind of structure. So after a long period without bigger changes we met in mid of 2007 the B.U.G.S. Community. We also got from that point of many new members so finally many things began to change. We tried to make a better structure and have played our first wars in history of eVo. We rented our own servers and were able to compete much better than before in clanwars. Now the step was finalized and we joined the bf42-liga to became a part of the last existing league of battlefield 1942. We also formed together with GermaN – StrikerS the German E-Sports Division (GeD) and where able to claim the 3rd place in the second memo cup (if I remember correctly). Till now [eVo]luTioN is a international clan with around 20 Members (check out all members here on forums). We are still part of bf42-liga and was able to get two times a second place and one time a third place in a group. Currently we are playing the third MemoCup. It will be hard but definitely a lot of fun. After some problems with the old Server we had to survive some months without an own clan server. Since the second of November, we had rent a new one. So we are back with a brand new clanserver powered by 4netplayers. (Details also available here on forums)… We got reorganised, found some new players and made a new step up. So at least over the years this clan became something special. The members became unique and also the name is now very known. Its about friendship, its about loyality, its about democracy and the most special thing, its about fun. … |