Micro Society   id:  3184916
Recent Achievements
- Selected as 9th seed into WPL qualifiers
- Selected as 6th seed into TFL qualifiers
- Selected as 16th seed into NGL-TWO qualifiers
- Reached round 5 of WHL qualifiers (falling short to KoD 3-4 in winnerbracket and 1fall 0-4 in loserbracket)
- Qualified for TFL beating Copenhagen Gamers (CPG) 3-2
- Finished 5th place in WGL ahead of CPG/RG/Envy/Family
- Finished 2nd in ICE

Current leagues:

Epic Gaming League (EPGL) - http://epicgl.forumh.net/portal.htm

ICE/ICL - http://www.claninfc.kimtuck.com/icl/portal.php

EGL - http://nggl.8forum.net/portal.htm

Recent A-team clanwars:

EGL Qualifiers vs Infernal Cry (4-2) - http://nggl.8forum.net/battle-reports-f8...c-t647.htm

EPGL PLAYOFF Vs Infernal Cry (5-2) http://epicgl.forumh.net/battle-reports-...c-t222.htm

ICL Vs VVV (4-0) - http://www.claninfc.kimtuck.com/icl/viewtopic.php?t=524

ICE Vs Infernal Cry (4-1) - http://www.claninfc.kimtuck.com/icl/viewtopic.php?t=528